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The Night Agent 2023

OMG, what is this? Its another filler in Netflix catalog. Don't bother, unless you have time to kill and the grass on the lawn outside is growing to slow.

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A good start, let’s see if they can keep it up!
The fight and car chase scenes are pretty good and the acting is okay from all involved.
It’s definitely better then most fbi/super agent shows we get…..

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Typical crapflix show made by bunch of first time film makers who asked ChatGPT to write, cast, film, edit, and produce the show.

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I gave it a 10/10 this one of the best after a very long time. Netflix did great. The Show is very precise unique and detailed. Cheers

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interesting series of action, comparison, flows very well I like the story.

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The Night Agent is a decent show. It's nothing ground-breaking and it certainly isn't flawless, but it's worth your time if you like the genre. The overall plot is actually pretty good. I have few complaints about the cinematography. The acting is fine. But goodness does the dialogue hold this show back. If they cut a few scenes out of the early episodes and actually asked some people how they talk, this could be a 10/10 show, but as usual for Netflix this show is seemingly written by edgy college students. It makes everybody seem stupid and makes it hard to take anyone seriously. A little maturity would go a long ways.

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I just finished a binge of THE NIGHT AGENT. The first few episodes that established the story didn’t especially capture me, so I was rating them at 7 (okay) but once the high stakes action began my ratings moved up to 8 (great) and I would definitely rewatch season 1, if it is renewed, I understand it was released as a limited series, based on a book of the same title, and the story arc was complete, but the ending would easily allow for subsequent adventures The two core actors, Gabriel Basso and Luciano Buchanan, were unknown to me, but by the end of the season, I wouldn’t want to see another season if they both weren’t in the cast. Hong Chau excelled as an in-charge-civil-servant, but her acting range in the more subtle emotions was lacking. I was very impressed with the quality Canadian character actors they hired for this project. As each one came on scene I thought, good choice, nice to see them in this. I give this series a high 7 (solid) out of 10. [Political Conspiracy Thriller]

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While some comments imply this is a bad show, the rating doesn't agree. This is a decent show, actually, and I like the cast. While it may be a bit formulaic in some ways, it's an FBI story that's not yet been told - at least that I'm aware of - and that makes it a bit fresher than most other cop shows out there.

It's worth watching this to make up your own mind but even though Netflix has a pretty bad history lately and hasn't had a lot of good stuff on, this is an exception in my opinion.

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Light and entertaining but not very good. Pass unless you’ve seen everything and have nothing else to watch. So many ridiculous things like wanted characters walking in broad daylight without disguises or even a baseball cap and sunglasses, secret service agent handcuffs suspect to the handle of a filing cabinet… haha dude! Can’t they afford to hire someone half intelligent to proof read their script? Sometimes I wonder if they do this stuff on purpose. I can’t think of a reason why but I also can’t understand how it’s possible for such obvious mistakes to make it to the screen…

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Not awfully good cast, acting, directing or script writing. This is forgetful.

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I liked it very much. It's a interesting plot and there are many webs to follow.
It's a good political thriller.

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"Let's do an action show with a ridiculous story that makes no sense and is full of strange contractions"
"You mean like John Wick, but without John Wick???"
"That's impossible!"
"I know, but Netflix will buy it anyway and we need no writers!"
"Let's do it!"

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this is soooo NETFLIX!
The quality of the production is below standards, but the best part are the dialogues

First of all (this is no spoiler) how on earth does he get to blame about the bombing, that he was the architect and ends up on the basement office, that is very stupid

Favorite lines:

I have no idea what to do but i know where to start - So i don't know what to cook but i have spaggeti
They talk about a drive on the woods, a drive ? what do you mean ? i do not know, oh could it be a hard drive ??!?!???!?!?!? :laughing:
And of course a couple(!) of psycho killers, not two, i mean a romantic crazy couple who love each other to the death

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Good plot, lots of twists. Keeps you guessing.

Hong Chau (Chief of Staff) you need to fire your voice coach. Your voice delivery was terrible most of the time.

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This one wasn't for me. It was fine, in the sense that it wasn't terrible but it wasn't good either.

Almost typical netflix in the sense of it felt like it was designed by algorithm. Almost the polar opposite of something like Copenhagen Cowboy from earlier this year.

For me there was possibly a good show in there somewhere, but there was too many small things throughout the series that kept breaking it. Small bad decisions, or "why would they do that", "why would you say that", selective security cameras. Nothing major I could say this is why it's bad, but multiple small things in almost every episode.

So it's a "If you have caught up on all the great TV from earlier this year, and all the great new shows from last year but still need something to throw on" type recommendation.

Go watch Last of Us, Poker Face, Extraordinary from this year, or for something of a similar genre try The Recruit, Reacher or The Old Man from last year. But done all those, or didn't enjoy them then maybe this one is for you.

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well worth a watch , wasn't expecting much but enjoyed it

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Every righteous individual in the government is a woman, whereas every individual with ill-intent is a man.

Rose assists Peter in warding off their aggressor using a hefty tree branch, something that the majority of women might struggle to even lift up straight, let alone to wield it with such force and precision and hit every single time. Astonishingly, she doesn't sustain a single blow, while Peter, an FBI agent trained in combat, succumbs to several injuries.

The characters depicted as patriots are shown in a negative light, often as naive or stupid, conspiracy-obsessed individuals with questionable morals.

Yep, that's another Shatflix wokie show, all right.

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Your typical, braindead, clichéd Action Jackson - show with plenty of ridiculous plot holes, uninteresting characters and so on. It's not downright terrible, it just isn't fun, interesting or engaging. In other words, it's boring.

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It was much better than some of the reviews would lead you to believe. I'll admit, I was expecting another cheap and forgettable FBI show but it turned out to be much better than that. The plot had me intrigued and hungry for more. Acting and overall quality was great. I wouldn't say this show is ground breaking but it does everything well. Definitely worth a watch!

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I love it how rose has such a huge hug factor but she is bad ass like hell. Nice series, we enjoyed it.

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This was not good. The acting was especially bad. Like late night B-level bad.

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Brain Cells Matter. Don't kill them watching this show.

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Very good surprise for this addictive show that has a 24 vibe, with this mix of terrorist attack and White House shenanigans.
My score : ★★★★★★★★☆☆

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[Netflix] A topical action plot that has as many clichés as episodes left over. Somehow, the writing table thinks that with fight scenes and endless conversations in offices they can solve the lack of logic in many of their decisions. With a story that sometimes defies the viewer's intelligence (because they despise it), this is B-series entertainment that loses interest from the moment the phone rings.

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A very good show. Lot's of intriguing plots. Well worth a watch :thumbsup_tone1:

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Very good story presented well by

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Diane Farr casting is so bad.

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Thoughts after watching Trailer: From what I see it's Mike Banning(Has Fallen Film series) Meets Jack Bauer meets Jack Ryan and many more. But I'll give it a view.

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Too many short actors in this show.

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"The Night Agent" is an incredibly engaging and thrilling TV series that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. It's a must-watch for anyone who loves a good action thriller.

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Pretty solid spy drama. Not too OTT action sequences and an interesting story. I see season 2 is in the works which is slated to revolve around Peter, but I’d like to see Rose and Chelsea come back too.

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Absolute garbage. The dialogue is brutal and there isn't an actor out there that could deliver those lines and make them sound good. I wish netflix had the option to add comments for the shows they produce. A single thumbs down is not adequate by any stretch of the imagination. I'm beyond shocked there were viewers out there that thought this was good.

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Basically, it's 24 without a clock.

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Tried several times. Couldn't finish trailer.

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Tried several times. Couldn't finish trailer.

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An interesting serie
Nothing unsual from what we have seen before
Actors for me did a good job
I do not expect a second season
But it was interesting that other perspective of the patriots inside America

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Although somewhat predictable at times - ok, the first episode kinda made the show very predictable, but I enjoyed it very much anyway. Lots of shoot 'em up chase scenes with some pretend brain problems mixed in there. The two lead actors were good in their roles. I'd watch a Season 2, if one comes out.

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this show should be called "stories behind object's/place"

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It is fun. Has some awful acting, some good acting. It's pure fantasy of course, but an exciting storyline with lots of twists and turns. The screenwriters make a nice balance of warm emotion and happy interactions along with the mystery and thrills.
it won't win any awards, but I'd sure be ready to watch another season, of it's offered.

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Not a bad series. I enjoyed it. It is a fairly standard kind of spy thriller tho. There's not a whole lot of anything new here. Except, maybe how much corruption there is at the highest level of the government . . . or mayb these days we just come to expect so much corruption at the top. There used to be a time when the people running the country were held 9in high regard and (mostly) trustworthy.

Anyway, the show is nearly back-to-back action and twists and turns occasionally interrupted by a couple of intimate scenes (which slowed things down imo).

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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I enjoyed the show, but all the profanity was not needed. For me it did not add to it and was a distraction in my opinion

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Geez... It's not an all together bad show, but it is a technically terrible show, that's not how any of that works.. Were there advisors at all, or just some 20 somethings writing what they think is cool or exciting.
Agreed, if you just want to watch a mediocre show that is somewhat entertaining, go for it.

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This series is really not the smartest and highest quality series ever made. But its enjoyable. They take some short cuts here and there, but sure I can live with that :) Very curious what season 2 will bring.

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Enjoyable series despite ​the critical reviews. It’s like 24 meets Lifetime movies both of which have their own entertainment value.The Night Agent may not be a high brow spy thriller but its still better than Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan’s season 3.

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I started this Night Agent on a whim and quickly got sucked in. While it is somewhat unrealistic, it was a fun and easy watch, and always left me wanting the next episode. If you like the genre, it's worth a try. Ignore the haters.

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[First, I don't watch film or series in comparison with others. I watch them and examine them on their own merit.]
Scoring this about 8/10.
Damn, that was great.
I'm pretty much jaded with a lot of TV shows already. So I'm really thankful for this one.
Intelligent, makes sense, believable.
I really appreciate the details, for example the procedures and protocols observed in running agencies and operations; wounds, bruises, injuries... continuity so nicely done.
Characters are consistent.
Great cast! (and quite happy they're not the usual ones. I like seeing new artists. They're given a chance, and these ones deserve it.)
Some things that bothered me:
-Wondering if character Diane Farr's hair was fake or not ;'DD
-Male characters in the White House and FBI looked similar to me, so confused me a bit. Facial structure, hair, uniform, so similar. Or I hope it's not a sort of dementia setting in T_T
Finished the final episode this night. The finale wrapped up perfectly for me.
That was one of the best finales I've seen on TV.

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I want to give this an 8/10 but it has so many missteps and plot holes the best I can give it is 6/10.
Entertaining enough through the first 6 episodes it start to get stupid and the writers/director get really sloppy in their story telling each episode thereafter... the final 2 episodes you have to give up all logic and reality for the big finale and a typical Hollywood ending.

Here's only one instance... 2 agents have been running around all day in a GMC SUV. They go to a location to search it. One decides he has to go and check something out at another location across town. He phones back and says they have to go to a storage yard in another area of the city. His partner says "OK I'll meet you there, you'll see my truck and you can enter there." Uhhmmm where does her truck magically appear from? Apparently a Ford Explorer can be summoned out of the sky by telepathy cause she get to the destination in one. that's not the worst part... it gets really bad from this point on!

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Below average. Can't compare with twenty four. Story has some illogical moments.

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A descent FBI flick and yes, Luciane Buchanan does have a Victoria Pedretti in her.

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Looks like it’s made by teenagers. The first episode is AWFUL! I’m guessing the good ratings are from teens.

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Shout by Ben

I gave up in the middle of episode 2 - too many plot holes in a flimsy plot with unrealistic conversation and head-scratching moments. It could have been good, I can see it, but it it not. To make matters worse, you can see the cliché romance brewing between the agent and the woman he is protecting, a classic misogynistic trope clearly added to the plot as otherwise it wouldn't have been worth anyone's time.

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A plot which is fairly predictable containg lots of unlogical stuff, but it was entertaining. When writing this I see that Netflix will continue by producing a second season. Really? I don't understand them, there are several better series that deserved it.

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it was an ok show but I thought the basic plot premise the show is built on doesn't make any sense . . some of the casting could have better.

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An entire crap fest written solely to pass the Bechdel Test and nothing more. Don’t expect even the slightest sliver of realism at any point unless you happen to suffer from severe brain damage.

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I think this show is only likable if you haven't seen a lot of shows as it is predictable, based on the typical hunters/hunted plot, plus that the cast are umm, not that good.

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Now this is the shyt. I laughed so hard on this show. Honestly it is fairly made, the script is a bit too dramatic. Trying to be like 24 with Jack Bauer. The best part for this show is that you can see how Americans are really tough on camera, as well as the political system. And that actually the world cares of their corruption and fuk ups. Love these shows man, perfect for a good laugh.

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The shooting locations they used is piss poor representation of DC/MD/VA.

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