«...true punishment isn’t served in prison, but rather in one’s soul».

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«We, who have been betrayers and abandoned, rejected and misunderstood, put aside and diminished. “There is no place for you here”, they told us with their silence. Then when is our place? We implored them with our silence. We never received that reply. But now we know, yes, we know our place. Our place is here. Our place is the Church. (...) We are all miserable wretches whom God brought together to form a glorious Church. Yes, we are all miserable wretches. Yes, we are all the same. And yes, we are the forgotten ones. But no longer. From this day forth, we shall no longer be forgotten».

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«I am a fragile piece of porcelain. But I have finally understood that my fragility is my strength, not my damnation. I will return to myself».

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i have so many things to say but all i'll say is oh my god

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