We will move on from institutional racism right after this break :joy:

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Is this the first ep where one of the show's two leads is completely absent? (Witherspoon in this case) I liked Witherspoon but it may say something about Bradley's character that I didn't miss her much, or maybe this ep's story is just so engrossing, best of the season so far. I also liked that Greta Lee and Karen Pittman feel more prominent characters this season. But MVP goes to Nicole Beharie, truly a showcase for her this ep, and she nails every scene. Dead at "But yes, we will move on from institutional racism right after this break."

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If you don't like your job, feel under paid, or think your manager are raciest...fucking quit your job or sue them. WTF, not that complicated.

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This show has gone down the toilet. Fucking woke as fuck now. Maybe it always was but this season they hired too many woke writers.

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This episode was absolutely amazing. Makes you think a lot and at the end, I'm not sure who was the "bad guy". But Cory is a manipulative SOB.

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Yes at last another woke episode for a show, we didn’t have enough of this PC crap.
Everything down to the toilet
Yes get your promotion not because we have this crisis now with the racism and you are about to quit but because you deserve it. What a total crap!

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I already liked Stella more and more in the previous episodes and this episode continued this trend gave her way more depth.
Loved her dilemma between opposing what Paul stands for and Mia's argument that he'd pay the lower ranks well.

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Nicole Beharie and Holland Taylor were amazing during the interview.

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I think the best part of this episode is that Cory didn't get his way despite all his scheming (and the women in-fighting)... And where was Bradley? Was there any explanation given why she didn't at least phone in?

The underlying issue was a bit over the top, to be honest. Was Sybil's mail wrong? Yes. Are people of color (especially women of color) underrepresented and undervalued? Yes. "We will move on from institutional racism right after this break" - yes, please do. But also mention the institutionalized sexism (again):White guys oust the woman in charge for a thoughtless email while the board itself mainly consists of white older men who like to feel important and woed by the CEO? I guess there's much work left all around - even more reason to stick and work together to solve these issues and not fight each other. After all, in-fighting only helps those in charge who promote conflict. Wishful thinking, I guess.

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