What a rebound from season 2.

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Was that some Succession vibes when Alex entered room to present the merger to the board?

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What an episode, what a finale! A thrilling conclusion to the story and top-notch acting might make this the best episode of this season and maybe even one of the best ones in the whole show. Can‘t wait for next season.

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Jon Hamm was a good addition. He salvaged the season.

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Seemed to fall apart a little at the end given the extreme hype and build up throughout the 3rd act, but otherwise a good finish to the season. Almost seems like the ending was decided on without knowing of they’ll be back for another one.

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Satisfying, and also feels like a series finale. If nothing else I'd say this series is worth it if it's just for constantly letting Billy Crudup go absolutely god-mode chaotic charisma with his performance.

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John Oliver recently said Apple TV+ “Where Celebrities Go To Hide”. I think in the case of this show, it's more like where celebrities show their chops. I'm constantly amazed at how far Jennifer Anniston's acting has progressed from yelling her lines on "Friends" to what she's doing here. Everyone's acting is just so good. Not a dud in the bunch. I'm so glad Apple TV is keeping these guys around for a fourth season. I can't wait.

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What an episode, what a finale! A thrilling conclusion to the story and top-notch acting might make this the best episode of this season and maybe even one of the best ones in the whole show. Can‘t wait for next season.

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So, Bradley tells Alex what's been going on including the suspicion that she's under surveillance from Marks. Which, as it turns out, she is - and at that point Alex goes to war. Kate's turning up as well, so Marks is out, a new merger between UPA and Laura's network is the alternative. And Bradley and Hal go to the FBI.

Very good ending to this season - I like that Alex, even though it hurts, does the right thing at the end. As do Bradley and Hal. I'll definitely tune in for next season. And I like that Alex offered a new solution, not just the "we don't want Marks temporary way" that Cory was going for.

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I appreciated more reconciliatory tone of this third season, that people make mistakes and the cancel culture cuts both sides. We get somewhat awkward "happy" ending for all, where everyone learns from their mistakes and pay the heavy price.

The episode rushes to wrap up all plot points, but also opens up many new questions. The fate of everyone hangs in the air, particularly that of Cory and Bradley. I am still trying to put my head around, but I think I am mostly satisfied.

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