Can it get more interesting… great season!!

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Not sure I've ever watched a show get this much better as it goes on. Also I don't think I ever knew that Jennifer Anniston can really act. Glad I stuck around for season 2. So good.

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"It's your life, you will know what you do with it." "We are what we do"

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Goddamn. That was such a good episode. The writing of this season has been exceptionally good.

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Amazing episode with such a captivating story. I was glued to the screen from start to finish. Jennifer Aniston delivers an amazing acting performance and the rest of the cast shines too.

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The actress who plays Lauren, also played a doctor on that new show about the Ebola! Feel like they made a little nod to that.

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This is like anti Succession

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This season has picked up fast the past few episodes. Really enjoying it now. Great acting and writing all around. I will admit I was skeptical the first couple episodes. I’m all in now.

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Pretty sure they pushed the limits in the last 10 minutes, if not jumping the shark directly. The Mitch storyline is still the best and the strongest (in the whole season as well), that hit as it should. But Bradley saving Alex out of nowhere: for one, they really should have more scenes together instead of working together but never actually meeting eachother for more than 5 minutes in the entire season, and for two, Bradley is usually so all over the place that seeing her being a professional was wild. I had a hunch Alex brought covid with her from Italy, but the way she hit her head made me laugh, it felt so surreal.

I still have no idea how they are going to close this season, maybe they blow up every storyline all at once (there are too many loose ends that aren't actually loose ends just moments that are just there and probably don't lead anywhere), maybe they just silently let everything fall down, I don't know, I just want to see it. Also not nearly enough Cory this season, why?

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Covid finally arrives. For a moment I saw someone with a mask in the studio and forgot what was happening.

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What a wonderful episode. The dialogue before Harry entered the hotel room made my eyes become wet, and persons like Alex make me sick.

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