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The Morning Show: Season 2

2x03 Laura


But yeah, that was the best one so far. Feels like the show finally gets out of the set-up, character-assembling stage and into the main stuff now.

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I had a feeling there's going to be something between Laura and Bradley but I thought Laura would be the one to make the move and manipulate Bradley but I didn't expect her to turn it around. It's also good that Laura might not be able to bullshit that much, I was afraid they are going to do that for many episodes to come. Also the Mitch plot is interesting, I'm curious to see how far they can go with "abuser in a post metoo-era" while not being apologetic about him.

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Nothing against diversity - but why does every show have a previously shown as straight woman suddenly have a lesbian affair? Is it cool right now to show 2 women kissing or in bed instead of woman and man - or 2 men which happens noticebly less often? This is on the nose - instead I'd love to see a character develop naturally, not just jumping someone out of the blue.

Otherwise, I like Laura, not sure what her angle is so far, other than "mentoring"/manipulating Bradley.

Also, the covid plot gains speed.

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For me the worst episode

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Wow, that kiss came out of nowhere. Was it ever hinted Bradley swung that way? I don't remember.

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That kiss totally caught me off-guard.

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the italian woman is truly one of the worst characters that ive seen in years in a tv show. she feels like some sort of dream character that is only there so we can advance Mitch's story

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