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The Midnight Club: Season 1

1x07 Anya

Wow, that was a very emotional episode...

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I wish I could feel something about this episode. Especially since I've had a recent loss myself. Maybe a handful of lines were good, coz they were delivered by a good actor (Robert Longstreet) but of course the bulk of it was Anya. I've been complaining about her acting since the start so thought I would actually Google her. Colour me surprised to learn that she was a 'tiktok star' that Flanagan plucked from obscurity because she had lost a leg and made videos about it? It fucking shows.
This is such a weak series.

Also talk about telegraphing your punches. It was obvious from the outset that this would be a dream/hallucination: we're 3 episodes from the finale

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I cryed a lot! What an incredible episode.

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What an incredibly emotional episode

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and right on cue, my heart is shattered. the flanaverse does it again.
anybody catch the kate siegel/hamish linklater cameo?

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Great and probably
my favourite episode yet.
I've been very very critical
of this show as it's more a
boring time
than a good time,
but this episode I hated
the least, didn't like it
at the beginning but by
the end it had won me over.
Flanagan gets his wife
Seigel in
for a quick cameo
(no surprise their lol).
I just want to grind out
these last 3 episodes
so I can start
Flanagans new show
that has started today,
because this show just
isn't doing it for me TBH.

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Shout by leean

did anyone catch hamish linklater and kate siegel's cameos???? :eyes:

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