You're not stupid Ilonka? Mhhhh. Honestly, this ending was utter shite. The Shasta storyline just gets conveniently amped up only to get abruptly stalled again and ofc. no one in the house heard or saw all the ambulance or police cars right at the porch... and Ilonka tells them about it only later and then even off screen?? Couldn't take up any episode time silly because we want to instead conclude some character arcs and two lame Midnight Club stories and throw in two more mysteries because this is a faux finale after all~.

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Disappointing finale to a disappointing show. Teenage acting and writing. I'm done with the Flanaverse

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It was a pretty weird ending. It felt really open, like for a season 2 (which i think would be a terrible idea since i don't think the format can hold it another season) or at least one or two more episodes; too many questions unaswered: What really happened with Shasta/Julia?, Who were the old woman/old man? What did they want? Why Stanton had a symbol tattoo? Was she from Paragon too? . I don't know, in comparisson to the other Flanaggan series, it ended very loose. Beyond that, i personally didn't like that much how the episodes were built but that's a personal opinion. I even think it is below Midnight Mass (which already thought it was the worst one so far).

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not a fan of the ending but i liked how they all continued and end ilonka's story

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Terrible and
Piss-poor and
Not For Me.

I've said all I need to
say on this Garbage
show, it's Cancelled
and that's good enough
for me.
What a complete
and utter waste of
my time.
This Sucked
Big Time.

Verdict: I would have had
more fun submitting
myself to a prostate examination.

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Was this the same show i was watching before? This episode is so weird and quite bad. Nice cliffhanger at the end though but this format doesn't seem suited for a second season really. Weird unsatisfying ending

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Such an amazing show, such a disappointing ending because they want to do have a second season

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Shout by Tasa24

Omg.. was this really the (season) finale?! That was like any other night at the midnight club...
It's really annoying to throw at us at the last minute the Aceso/Julia story, the fixed ballerina, the old couple frame & Stanton's wig and tattoo, and leave us hanging like this

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