Finally they came up with an excuse to let Amanda Righetti off the screen for the end of her pregnancy. About time!!!! The whole season having her hidden behind a desk or a pile of boxes, it was getting very annoying.

They should have gone for one of two options:

  1. Send Van Pelt to a year long training program, or go undercover, or temporarily transfer her to another unit. She still can be part of the show via phone or videocalls, even have her own storyline. Just not sharing screen with the rest of the team.

  2. Have Van Pelt get pregnant, so there is no need to hide her condition and she can actually move in her scenes.

Instead, they tried to pull a Monica Geller in Friends season 10... and it didn't work, obviously. You can't have a (very) pregnant actress acting as if she isn't. For an episode or two, maybe. For a whole season? Nope.

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