To be honest that may have been one of the most exciting episodes I’ve ever seen. Now to spend another year waiting for season 3...

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So unnecesary. I'll be in the extreme minority here but I think it was uncalled for. The point of the series was to build something apart from the movies and it just started having guest appearance after guest appearance and well... I'm out of here. I just lost all interest in the series. Apart from that, I guess it was a well directed episode. I just don't agree with the decision to have that character in the series.

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I wish I liked this episode more. Don't get me wrong, it's a solid episode from a directing perspective, probably one of the best, and it features several moments are tantalizingly good. Everything with Din himself is top tier stuff, some of the best stuff in the show so far, particularly his fight with the Dark Trooper, the confrontation with Moff Gideon, and his goodbye to Grogu. All fantastic.

Still, I can't help but feel underwhelmed by the reveals. The Dark Troopers are mostly wasted by Luke showing up and just destroying them, Grogu leaving the show this early feels like a mistake, and the tease at the end for a (admittedly cool sounding) Boba Fett show makes this season feel like a series of backdoor pilots. Still, the season overall was an improvement in spite of that - so I'm left it in the strange position of feeling let down while also entertained. I'll be there for Season 3, but unsure as to where this is going to go.

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LOL, that DarkTroopers EMD activation music was a little too "on the nose", not really omnious as much as "let's get this dance party started".

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I probably sit in the minority but that was 15 3/4 episodes of good entertainment spoiled by 10 minutes of unimaginative lazy writing. Did they not learn anything from Clone Wars & Rouge One? It is possible to create a very good Star Wars Universe story without having to drag the Skywalker family into it.

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It was a great episode, but still is looking like a cartoon because the stakes are never felt real, everything is handed on a silver plate to all characters. Liked that they included the master jedi from episode 6, but didn't liked the deep fake, looked uncanny. To me they could cast another actor as Luke to create a new saga and remove the sequel trilogy from star wars.

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yep - I cried. Holy shit was that epic.

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What an amazing end of this season. Truly worthy and at the same time sad that there is no next episode next week...

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This is the Star Wars !!!
Holy shiet what an episode was that..

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I am so fucking emotional! what an amazing episode!!

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Oh man....that was just FRICKIN BEAUTIFUL

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I f*king cried, Luke at the end & R2 ?! best episode ever. This even tops the sequel triolgy for me. You know, this even makes 2020 a good year. 10/10

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Where is the 11th heart for this episode?
I was so tense when the x-wing appeared and I was holding my breath for the whole fight. When he pulls of the hood I couldn't help but crying.
Even if the show would stop right there I would be very happy. But I am also very eager to see what comes next.
It's going to be a long year.

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bro, where are they going to take this in season 3. im so intrigued, i have no idea!

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There was only one thing that was missing from the ending - Mando giving Grogu that metal ball he loves.

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Wow. I love how everybody is like "I can't help you" until Din says "they took the child" and they do a 180.

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Did anyone stick 'till after the credits??? Can't wait for that particular new show!

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Talk about an entrance!

And I thought that vader fight scene In rogue one couldn't be surpassed.

It was and then some.

So, it's the end of the story for the little green one?

I hope not.

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Make it an hour long, ten episodes a season, and actually write a plot. Two seasons in and there is still nothing here but a very high production value toy commercial with seemingly irrelevant, compounding self referential canon. What's worse, it's multiplying. Every new show piled into the franchise takes away time and energy from developing what is barely there already. It makes no sense when you think about now having two similar (half) shows in this context. Neither the viewers nor the producers gain anything. Only about merchandising.

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Boring action and too much fanservice....
The farewell was touching tho.

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Pretty cool but a few issues…

  • Four people taking down an entire Imperial cruiser without so much as a scratch is a bit excessive…
  • I know Luke Skywalker is OP AF but him cutting through all those Dark Troopers after all that build up is a bit too easy / kinda disappointing / kinda deux ex machina
  • CGI Luke was hella disappointing. I was so ready to see Mark Hamill (and that ridiculous hood covering his face was pretty overt — guess he was just showing off how skilled he is, doesn't even need to see lol). I guess he'd have been a bit too old (this is a bit over 5 years after ROTJ) but I feel like they could have figured something out. Hell I wouldn't have cared. Maybe they offered but he turned them down though, who knows
  • After all that, handing Grogu off to a stranger without even asking his name or his number!?
  • Never got to know what they wanted with Grogu / his blood — were they trying to clone him, what? I feel like they may never address this…
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Whenever I see Filoni include a lot of stuff from "The Clone Wars" in an episode: "That's cool but isn't that sort of fanservice-ish?"


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For once Luke gets what he deserves a fucking epic scene.

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Wow! What a way to end the season. The first 2/3 of the episode is about what I expected it to be, meaning it was somewhat predictable but good.
But then... the X-Wing showed up and I started saying to my tv, "No, this can't be happening!" Then the black cloaked figure with a green lightsaber proceeded to dispatch the dark troopers and I started screaming at my tv, "THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!" Then the hood came off and that's when a few tears were shed.
Why couldn't Disney have done this before they f***ed up the sequel trilogy?

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An amazing and heart stopping ending. Stick around for the post credits scene too.

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I don't care if people say this is fan service. This was fucking awesome.

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What a moment! I'm still shaking.

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watch out!!!

straight up seizures at the end if you can't take it :sob::sob::sob::sob: you've been warned!!!

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If I hadn't gotten spoilers about Luke Skywalker, the ending would have been a lot more crazy, but it still didn't take away the weight of it all. This arc is over, and I'm really excited for what they plan on doing with Mando and Boba Fett in the future.

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Ok... so I watched roughly 900 Episodes from all kind of shows this year and this is it! Hands down, this is THE best episode of my year. Maaan. I’m still in awe. I’m in tears and full of joy at the same time. Goosebumps are crawling up my neck and down my arms.

I rewatched the last 15 minutes now 4 times within the last 5 hours and even though now I know what’s coming I get the same exact reacting all over again ... every time. Just amazing

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Incredible episode. Watching the power of a Jedi ripping through an impossible enemy was amazing.
Literally started crying as soon as I realised it was Luke. It's just perfect that he be the one to train Grogu just as Yoda once trained him.

The after end credits scene was a nice bonus.
Book of Boba Fett. I can only assume that means next season will focus on his story now.

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There were heavy rumors they were bringing Luke back, even sending black copies of the episode for dubbing to avoid leaks, but yet after seeing Ahsoka and Bo-Katan I still wouldn't believe it could be true. I've rarely been so happy to be wrong.

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Wow, that's what I'd call a great season finale. Lots of action, awesome moments, and quite a few surprises. The Dark Troopers seem like a nice idea and where pretty scary until they've started to attack Mando (then they felt more like dumb terminators). I really like the fight styles of the Manalorians and Fennec. The biggest surprise was of course the Jedi and I liked the suspense due to some uncertainties (when Goku looked at the monitor I was hoping for a Jedi and after seeing the green light saber I was wondering if it can really be). Watching Luke fight the Dark Troopers and his light saber melting though them was pretty nice. I'm so excited to find out how this will continue.

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When Luke showed up my mom started crying cause she grew up with the original trilogy so he holds him and those other characters close to her heart but when he showed up I started crying cause it meant he was taking baby yoda away!!! I hate him!! He’s my number one enemy!! But then my mom kept crying cause she remembered in the most recent trilogy Kylo killed all the jedis in training! Like when Luke tried to kill him and then he killed the jedis and he turned into the dark force, so we are scared Kylo is gonna kill Grogu! I told her that’s probably like 20 years in the future but who knows...
But I’m so happy because WOMEN! This is the first time in the live action star wars media that we have womEn and they actually meet and interact between them!!! That was long overdue!! And one of those women is Ming-na!!!
And my only issue is that I feel Giancarlo is being under used! But in the little screentime he gets he is awesome.

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Fan service. Deus ex machina. Uncanny valley. Same old enemy fodder. Over reliance on nostalgia. And you still loved this? Y'all too easily pleased.

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I'm not crying! You're crying! Shut up!

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this episode game me chills from mando fighting the dark trooper to the bomb at the end with Luke.. totally didn't see that one coming, it gave me chills even tho the CG was a bit janky.. also the fact that mando removed his helmet for the child to see his face one last time was super emotional especially with him watching the child go away with tears in his eyes.. we don't get to see mando this emotional like never.. I don't know where they will go about this in S3 but I'm super excited.. also I'm afraid that they're preparing us for a coming drama between mando and Bo-Katan which I don't honestly wanna see but they're stuck in their old ways so if she wants the darksaber back we must see them fight
anyways great episode and the after credits announcing the new Boba Fett show also sent me flying with happiness

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Okay, it's better than last three movies and it's better than almost all TV series. That budget is gives me chill. And of course, that "jedi"! No way they did this, still crying, how did they return Luke?! . Dude they really made this a secret!

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A great episode overall, and seeing Luke make quick work of the Dark Troopers after watching Mando work hard to dispatch just one put a lot of things into perspective. At the same time, however, it also seems to make Ahsoka seem considerably inferior to Luke when you think about how much trouble she, too, had with a single opponent in her recent episode. And I don't like that at all. Yes, Luke is Vader's son and all that, but Ahsoka has had a TON more training and experience at this point...

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The whole show is soo much better than all the film. I'm just disapointg that they got to make appear Luke and R2, come on !, It's a galaxy with billion of poepole, stop using the same character !!!!

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Pilot: The comms are down !
Mandalorian: Lower your shield !

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So unbelievably amazing. One of the best series I've ever seen.

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I CRIEEDDDD OMYGOD A FATHER AND HIS SON BEING SEPARATED. GROGU!!!!! Intrigued by what season 3 will bring with that end credit scene.

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I am fucking crying.

Anyway 10/10

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This is a really peculiar episode. It's heavily reliant on Luke in a way that feels really antithetical to the idea of the show. I was incredibly excited to see something that was going to be unique within the universe that was going to be very separate from the Skywalker Saga. We have no choice but to include Luke in at least one more episode (but please, recast him. Sebastian Stan looks enough like him. I'm tired of seeing CGI characters when Blade Runner 2049 is the only place I've really ever seen it work without any hitches). And yeah, Luke is a good character, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit put off by seeing him show up here.

I did like this episode. It's effective and exciting. It feels appropriately intense, although I think I much preferred the season one finale. I just feel like I don't know what this show is anymore and I'm confused by that. It doesn't make this episode any less good. It just means I don't know exactly how to feel.

I'm gonna go play Fallen Order again.

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In my opinion they totally nailed it at the end. For all STAR WARS fans out there this makes all mistakes from the sequels forgotten. Watch and enjoy! Without a doubt a 10/10! Thanks to John Favreau and Dave Filoni! You guys know what STAR WARS is all about!

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Can you say fan fiction?

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im sobbing. what an episode. beautiful. post-credits scene!!!

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Holy :cow2:. What an episode. Love it. What CGI and voice manipulation.

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Too soon - Luke still has the bitter taste of Episode VIII on him...

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Did as much with Luke as fans hoped Last Jedi would. Yet, he didn’t even have much screen time. Still, totally satisfying and kick ass.
The future trilogy should be about an older Grogu. Unless he gets his own Disney Plus show about his training with Luke.

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I cried watching this episode, its so good and the reveal of Luke Skywalker and Boba Fett show is like an early christmas present

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Wait, WHAT??! Huh?? WHAT??!!! I must have missed something in the first couple of episodes in season one... Well; back to the tape...

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Shout by C

Perfect finale for a perfect series. My girlfriend was crying for so long after this and I shed more than a few years. I can't praise this series enough. Why these guys aren't running the next trilogy is a crime. One BIG downer is them getting rid of the strongest character for her personal politics. Stupid on everyone's part.

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Bad idea to use CG Luke. It looks very bad and doesn't help anything. Better to use a real actor. Recast is always better than a CG actor.

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:loudspeaker: Important Information:

Before continuing with season 3, you must watch 'The Book of Boba Fett', even if you don't like that character.
Important story developments for this series take place there. If skipped, season 3 won't make any sense.

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All Gold
Epic season finale
an absolute treat from
start to finish.
What happened to
the doctor though,
the slippery little bastard
fate was never clarified.
My girl Sasha Banks is
back being amazing as
always and Bo-Katan
should have been straight
with Mando from the
beginning then nothing
would have happened by
pure accident.
Gina Corano is awesome
as always and I'm so
Pissed she's been dropped
from season 3 because of
her opinions.
She's amazing and I'll
go to whatever show/movie
she's in next.
Awesome action in this
episode with a lot of
tension I was wondering
how we get out of this one.
Oh boy I loved how we did
though, now that was
Frickin Awesome.
I wanted Mando to give
that silver ball to Grogu
though, that would have
been special very special.
That with his helmet though
Holy-smokes I had tears.
Well amazing episode
and I'm very interested
where we go from here
now that the quest has
been fulfilled,
I'm also curious about
the fallout after all the
events of this episode.
The Mandalorian
Will Return

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WARNING for those binge watching Mandalorian. After this don't go to season 3, as there are essential 2 episodes of Mando (essentialy season 2.5) hidden in The Book of Boba Fett. These are episodes 5 and 6, and you don't need to watch anything before it as it's extremely bad and also doesn't feature Mando. Those 2 episodes are great. Skip the season finale also, as it features Mando but it doesn't do anything for his story (and is also crap).

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IT'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN!! The ending was lit.

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I must say this whole episode is waaaaay better than the last movies. It has been the best story in years.

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another great season ends, I repeat, Star wars, like this, yes, like in the movies, no

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They really need to stop naming each episode with a spoiler. Absolutely no suspense since I read the title of the chapter/episode.

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"This is the way" of making a fine episode.

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well... shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii*t! totally unexpected finale, best episode so far!


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The only thing I can say about this episode is holy shit what an ending...

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No baby yoda, no reason to live

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After the credits, new serie The Book of Boba Fett

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Shout by Ro

What a breathtaking episode.

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Just, amazing. I mean, SKYWALKER!!!! I don't know how this story ties up with what happens in the force awakens, but who cares!!!! SKYWALKER!!!!

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Shout by p05

I was out of my chair by then end of this. And the end credits? Fucking Icing on the cake. Holy Shit.

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Wow. I cried. Its only Star Wars. Next season December 2021. I wonder what the world will be like then. Brexit/COVID

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I somewhat thought thus show was set was later, after all the latest movies. And I wondered, how Boba Fett could still be Alice and Asohka.... Continouitywise the whole Show didn't really make sense to me. And then the ending.... :rolling_eyes: I kinda feel tricked ... maybe cheated. :sweat_smile:

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Mando brings everyone together to take on Moff Gideon and the result is well earned. The Mando and Moff fight was phenomenal and the Dark Troopers were terrifying. The surprise appearance of young Luke Skywalker was fun to see but heartbreaking to realize Gorgu would be leaving with him instead of Mando. It's a shame the ending was so abrupt and now we have to wait a full year for S3 to start. I like the tease with Boba Fett though.

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Loved the episode. Fantastic!

Points off for the dark saber being the elder wand. Really? Although a mild variance to the saber lore, it’s not a complete violation. But still, just had to do it didn’t you Disney.

As for the rest, battles, suspense, excitement, even if a bit predictable. Excellent!

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WOW! WOW! WOW! I really like this series and where its going but to wait a whole year is just too much! I hope they can get the next series up and running before then ;-)

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Shout by Agent24

Brilliant episode that couldn‘t be better in any way. The surprise appearance at the end was unexpected and so awesome. Can‘t imagine a third season without Grogo but I‘m very excited to see where the story is going next.

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This is my new Star Wars present. I don't want these characters to ever go into that horrible and lazy J.J. Abrams future.

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