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The Mandalorian

Season 2

I rated last season a 9 out of 10... can I rate this season a 900 out of 10? HOLY SHIT that was amazing!!!!!

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This season is full of unignorable flaws but it’s such an incredibly fun season that never failed to keep me completely engaged.

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Builds beautifully on the first season. This one is better paced and has better general direction.
I find myself involved in the plot, rooting for my favourite characters and laughing at some fun parts.
The season ending is great and the last episode is superb. I'm really curious to where it goes from here.
Mando is really good and believable and I got to love Fennec Shand. She kicks a** and plays a superb character.
Best of the SW universe for quite some time.

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That was a great season and felt like a nice improvement upon the first one. I'm pretty hyped for the next season now, let's hope they can keep it up :)

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This is the worst show. The only thumbs up is The Child/Baby Yoda who is just too darn cute. What's bad about it? Everything. Elementary school kids could have written better dialouge. It was painful to listen to. The narrative and cinematography are just plain bad. I suppose they were trying to provide a semi-electronic voice similar to Darth Vader forThe Mandalorian but it's just painful to my ears. This guy comes off as weak, timid and lonely. He's no Luke, Hans or even Leia. It's got star wars music which we can all relate to but beyond this is just a bad cousin of Stay Wars that I wish would return to where it came from. The last episode of season 2 they threw in some teasers for the future which could be promising but I will probably pass on anything to come next. I was hoping for more, but it's just not for me.

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The second season is about introducing new characters (or better said: The actors playing them), while repeating mostly the same storyline in every episode, just shuffling settings and characters.
But episode 2x05 was so damn good, I'm willed to forgive a lot.

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Idk like you but I'm 40 and I'm fell for The Child totally.... this kid cuteness just kills

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The second season of the Mandalorian is undeniably an improvement from the first season - better direction, tighter focus, and a refinement of the stuff that worked before are all visible here, and the episodes that shined were bright. At it's best this show is some of Star Wars' most engaging, most thrilling stuff, and Pedro Pascal in particular carries much of this show on his back. It definitely feels like the middle of a story, but this isn't necessarily a bad thing as the show continues it's trek into a greater universe with it's cast.

Still, the fanservice has been bumped up exponentially, and it threatens to overtake the entire thing, especially as the finale happens and suddenly you are left a little hollow. The ride up until this point was worth it, but can the show survive past this point? Only time will tell, and the numerous amount of backdoor pilots setup here seems to indicate a willingness to create their own pocket of Star Wars with these characters. A better season with some issues still remaining.

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I am 50 years now, watched SW ANH the first time in the early 1980s.

This show did (so far) what I hoped the sequels would do.
Thank you Jon Favreau
Thank you Dave Filoni

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2020-12-18T09:49:43Z— updated 2023-03-05T23:24:25Z

Marginally better than the first season.
The visuals, production values and action sequences are still great.
In addition, the episodes are somewhat connected now, adding up to a bigger picture in the final episodes.
But, the characters are still paper thin, so you’re not really given enough reason to care about anything in this show.
Also, I really didn’t like the ending.
I’m not the kind of person that gets hyped when person or thing A from franchise B shows up.
So besides carrying little meaning for me personally, it felt like a massive deus ex machina moment.
And it feels like Lucasfilm hasn’t learned from their biggest mistake yet.
Just shoot a double from the back, use Mark Hamill’s voice , and cut to one or two close ups for which you use all the available budget.
Or just go the old fashioned way and cast a lookalike, someone like Sebastian Stan .
The way they did it now sort of felt like Lucasfilm going like: look at what we can do!
Well, you failed, just like you did with Tarkin in Rogue One .


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All Gold
Another Phenomenal
season caps off
and Mando and Grogu
really come into their own
this season.
Gina Corano and
Sasha Banks (Mercedes)
Where absolutely my
season highlights,
Pissed off that the
Show has dropped
Gina Corano for her
opinions, she was definitely
one of my favourite actresses.
This Show is outstanding
and continues to grow
and get better and better
and I pray that this continues
into season three, because
as far as I'm concerned
right now for
The Mandalorian
"This Is The Way"

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Frog Eggs are making me hungry

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Season 2 is WAAAAY better than season 1 - this has become one of my favourite shows of 2021.

It's more focused and funnier. Far fewer plot line holes to pick a part.

I hope they don't screw Season 3 up and revert back to S1 type stories.
Looking forward to Season 3

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Finding out that Mandalorians who never take their helmets off are some weird fringe side cult made sooo much sense, I retroactively forgave the entirety of season 1. I hope they continue to explore that going forward.

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My favorite part of season 1 was the bits where Mando would stumble into a town and bumble his way through saving everyone, but season 2 is so invested in making you think everyone's a cool badass that it loses basically all of that after the first episode. Idk why people got hype about Boba Fett here, he basically does nothing. Really didn't need Cara Dune or the Racist Guy or the Sniper Lady back either, lol, but I woulda loved more Carl Weathers...

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A bit disappointing. Kind of anti climactic second season.

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A solid second season, with a couple of standout episodes (the one directed by Robert Rodriguez is amazing) and a very strong ending.

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I find this a very good series.
Very unfortunate that there is no season 3.
Would have liked to look further.
I recommend this series ...

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