Me emocioné demasiado!!! This is Star Wars!

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This is the way. I have spoken.

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Mando is the only person on screen I've managed to see fight his way through situations holding a child. Lots of creative action sequences given the slower pace of the last episode. Baby Yoda continues to be the highlight of the show and must be protected at all costs. This is the way.

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The writing is great, you have a story that keeps you interested. You only get dripplets of information each episode. On top of that you have great action sequences. This show continues to improve with every episode.

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The turning point episode. I'm glad to see that The Mandalorian is not an entity devoid of moral grounds. Then again, had anyone expected him to be? Maybe a bit more down the season, but the story line forces him to make the decisions now. It does leave him with some big enemies though, but I'm sure he'll get some back-up soon. Jon Favreau is a good writer, I'm just waiting for him to write a story that will really fly off. I hope it's this one. This is the way. I have spoken.

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The episodes just get better and better. The action is fantastic. Though baby Yoda lovers probably won’t like his lack of screen time. To take in his cuteness.

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Really getting "the kid".....

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The hype is strong in this one.

I absolutely get why people love and enjoy this episode. What's not to like about a fighter making the right/moral decision, about a good combat with some late cavalry making their appearance? About some new meme-worthy slogan?
Especially after the first two episodes being kind of meh.

But at the end of the day this is a pretty generic string of events, with generic characters following a very familiar pattern. So no, this isn't exceptional writing. It's just good entertainment.
And considering that it is just the third episode, I'll give one point extra because this could become something really great.

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I'm still waiting for this show to truly evolve into something magnificent. I'm enjoying it and Baby Yoda is very adorable, but I still find it just fine.

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Awesome episode....Baby Yoda is so cute!

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Mando Rewatch

Everyone: You're rewatching Mando, again?
Me: This is the way.

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Disappointing after the first two episodes. This seemed to drag on and was really slow paced, whereas the first two flew past.

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The writing and directing were much better in this episode. It says the director was Deborah Chow, who is going to be creating the Kenobi series, and from this episode i very much look forward to her work on that series.

This episode improved a lot on the previous 2. In the previous 2 the mandalorian was kind of weak. Especially for such a "legend" he was kind of incompetent and weak. It made more sense if he was a mid-tier power level among the mandalorians. But in this episode he was much better and showed what a good fighter he was. Wow, the writing and directing in this episode was much better than the previous 2.

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Best episode out of the eight, thanks to the combination of great action directing by Chow, and an exciting script that has the virtue of being the final act in the introductory arc of the series, thus having the emotional and poetic payoff of the setup, relying on the heroe's actions

The honest critic in me has to acknowledge that this is also the easiest thing for a shallow story to make satisfying, and Favreau is peak Marvel: Better and with more narrative integrity than the likes of JJ Abrams, but still primarily an action and "witty" dialog man. Still, the action and story are satisfying, even with the weak link in miscasting and out of place hammy, TV Movie acting of Carl Weathers.

I give it the 8/10 for what it made me feel as a satisfying hour of space western actioner firing on all cylinders, though not equal in writing or difficulty tier in the drama department of something like any episode from Halt And Catch Fire or Mad Men's first seasons.

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Fantastic episode! Very few words spoken, but the emotion is there, you root for the hero. This is the way... it should be :)

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Each episode keeps getting better than the one before, it's truly a thing of beauty and not something I EVER expected Star Wars in 2019 to be. Great action, characters you care for, the forming of Mando's ark. Can't wait for what happens next.

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Favorite episode! Such a friggin' blast. Wow wow wow was this episode something special.

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just wanted to point out how many titles of herzog films would make great names for star destroyers

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This show is the motherf#$#ing way everyone!

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This episode reminds us that The Mandalorian is a Disney product.

The Mandalorian for no reason became soft and sentimental. The only reason possible for this change is the "cute factor" shown more to the audience than the character, just like a Disney show would do. For someone who is supposed to be on this sort of job for a while, breaking a guild code just for some random child is a stupid thing to do - especially for someone who is supposed to uphold honor. The hostiles - supposedly trained soldiers and mercenaries - are nothing but incompetent mooks. Other Mandalorians show up as deus ex machina, almost feels like they are there just so Disney can sell more toys.

There is no build up. Everything in this episode is self-contained. From the appearances of other Mandalorian to the whistling bird, it's all used vulgarly in this episode.

This episode is such a huge let down. And we're still on the third episode.

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That was pretty damn good. From what I hear these 3 first episodes complete the opening arc. Mando is a badass and the Mando and the Manolettes scene at the end was cool. I hope he brought some frogs.

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If the first two episodes were all buildup, then "The Sin" is the climax. A propulsive, gorgeously shot firefight that is the best of Star Wars. What these three episodes have lacked in story they've made up for with depth of character and emotional weight - particularly with The Child itself. The connection is strong, and even though our lead has no face we know what he is thinking. We know his dilemma. And we know the consequences of that.

Deborah Chow, despite being a relative newcomer to big budget filmmaking, clearly has a knack for this, and this bodes well for her eventual Obi-Wan miniseries on the platform. Her action scenes are stellar, and the way the story moves is easily the best of the three episodes so far. The strongest episode of the series to date.

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The writing is so bad, the story doesn’t have any sense...

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Since the bounty was delivered and paid for I don’t understand why the trackers were still active. They should have either been turned off or returned.

I love this show so much!!

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Shout by Rad

Mando... what an absolute badass! The action sequences in this episode were :fire:

This is the way.

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All Gold
That was
Frickin Awesome
Mando just Bossed
his way through the
entire episode.
That set-piece scene
at the end was amazing,
This is why
The Mandalorian
is my number 1
favourite star wars
"This Is The Way"

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watched with TheMysticWood and BoggartQueen on 4th of July night

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Shout by Eric

The Mandalorian firefight was awesome. So glad I got to see something like that but I don't understand what they did it. I hope it gets a good explanation. So now Mando is on the run. Good setup.

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The child's ears flapping in the wind when they get off the ship at the beginning. :heart_eyes:

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Great episode and the soundtrack is just brilliant.

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That gatling blaster was bad ass!

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The true spirit of Star Wars lives, as does the Mandalorian's soul! Beneath the new flashy armor, there is a large soul that drives this story, and even though he doesn't ever remove his helmet, Pedro Pascal IS the Mandalorian. I am completely hooked and I believe that The Mandalorian won't let us down!!!

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Who leaves his ship open like that ?

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quote Because I am your only hope
Nice referral to the original episodes

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Shout by Gloom8

Depence on what they gonna do in the next episodes, but for now I would have preferred to wait an episode or two for "a change of heart" moment. Yeah, it didn't happened out of nowhere but nothing stopped the main character to drop the deal before the exchange or at least showing some intent on rippen rewards first and backstabbing later. A bit to convenient to change you mind right after you gained the upper hand (aka armor) and a bit to good guy-ish) Good episode none the less.

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Why is this so amazing? I don't understand, but I love it!

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