Black communist rebels? What the hell

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After killing off a couple of interesting and key characters last season, the writers are losing their focus and it's seriously affecting the quality of this final season. In particular, I couldn't possibly care less about John Smith's marital issues or his home life challenges with his daughters. Can we fast-forward through it and get to whatever purpose that crap is supposed to serve? If I wanted that kind of "drama," then I'd watch soap operas or reruns of THE WALTONS. It also comes close to being a criminal waste of Sewell's talents. The same pretty much goes for Kido and his son. I like Kido the character and de la Fuente's portrayal of him, but the garbage with his son is another soapy waste of time and talent. I hate filler, and if the writers don't have enough story left to tell, then it's okay to make the episodes 45 minutes long instead of an hour.

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I wonder if Equiano Hampton is J'onn J'onzz from Earth-38 of the multiverse.

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This might be my favorite episode of the series imo, the kids finally slowly realizing the pure evil of the world they live in, I feel like the writing was crazy accurate to how a kid would actually start to act as they question the reality of a word like that

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Black Communist Rebels ? Oh dear oh dear

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One of the things I loved most about this show was the intro song. And now, not only has the plot been getting worse and worse since last season, but they also cut the intro song down? #disappointed

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