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The Magicians: Season 5

5x12 The Balls

Loved the singing, great episode!

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Singing Heck Yes! Was a cheery episode.

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I would have given this ep the usual 8 stars but there was a bit too much singing.

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Okay, so I'm not a fan of musical episodes in general, but this cast is actually talented, so that always helps. Plus, the framing device for the songs works well as part of the narrative of this one and the OCEANS 11 vibe that it's going for. And it was all just a ton of FUN, and not the tedious and forced sort of thing that we usually get with these episodes elsewhere.

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Song and Dance Number. "You've Got to be Cruel to Be Kind" by a pig. Loved it.

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Haha, lot of LOLs during this one... :D

Julia: "Hormones dude, enjoy the ride."

The pig wir a shotgun: LUL
And the dance scene, so unexpected and ridiculously funny. That was also by far my favorite song btw (it reminded me of The Descendants tbh but I doubt those movies fit the typical audience of this show xD).

Josh: "And we're fogged." xD

Margo shooting Mr. Ball was a bit mean but he really had that coming tbh (not to say he got away easy).

And then they get rescued/extracted by Santa Claus. Coming in hot with "ho ho ho motherfuckers."

The only drawback is that it's now tight to wrap this up properly with only one episode left.

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Marina doing choreography with a frustrated look on her face - absolutely hilarious!

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Thankfully this is the last musical episode of the Magicians ever.
Very annoying to watch a show muted for 85% of the duration.

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Seriously, what kind of drugs do you have to be on to write plot like this???

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Alice channeling Peter Gabriel and Eliot channeling Kate Bush. WOW!

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Well that episode could have been great...minus the song & dance routines. :rolling_eyes:

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Typically, I love the musical episodes, but this one was kinda weak. Except for the last song, they went too obscure. And even though the pig number was fun because of the choreo (side note, how HUGE is that apartment?! Damn!), I ended up skipping over the Alice/Eliot song cause to me, it was too long and too boring.

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In which Sir Hargreave Mcgrubney Cubbins Archibald Brian Effingham III -- a.k.a. Sir Effingham -- has his opportunity to be, indeed, an effing ham. ;-)

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