Shout by wpafbo79
BlockedParent2022-04-08T03:58:22Z— updated 2023-08-21T19:24:36Z

Just... shoot.. the.. professor...

Percy is an idiot. Not only did he hesitate shooting Stonefell before when he had a perfect opportunity. But this time his sister's life is on the line. Open the door, aim the gun at the professor's head, pull the trigger.


Then we have 4 people fighting Grog and Percy still can't find the time to kill the professor and remove the charm? Really? The professor is just standing there and there is nothing to hide behind. Stop dicking around with Grog and let the other three deal with him. Shoot the fucking professor.

Vex finally figures it out but can't fire an arrow? She can leap from behind a table and while in midair split an arrow and kill the shooter. But she can't turn and fire an arrow from close range before getting charmed? What the actual fuck?

And in the end, a ridiculous shot is trivial to kill the professor. What an absolutely horrid episode!

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Loving the gore, but damn! Up until the last minute, everyone must’ve been rolling really low numbers in this battle against the professor. Still, his silver tongue as a weapon is really clever. Love it!

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Grog: "That's one! That's three! That's 11!"
[Grog brings his hammer down.]
Grog: "All the letters!"

Pike: "You heard me?"

  • Chills

Professor Anders: "Pay attention, de Rolo. I want you to know how you died. And who did it to you."
Vex, Vax, Grog & Keyleth: "Your friends."

  • This is my sh—!

Percy: "We trusted you. You were our teacher."

  • Damn

Vex: "Kind of terrified. Kind of impressed."

  • Keyleth :)

The Everlight: "We do not choose. We walk down a path. Any path can be a holy one. So long as one walks it with truth."

  • I like this conclusion, although I feel like I missed the set-up

Scanlan: "You got Scanlaned, you got Scanlaned!"

  • Noice

Scanlan: "There. Everywhere. Of course, it's zombies. Yeah. Because fuck me, that's why."

  • Zombies :O

[Scanlan wheezing.]
Scanlan: "There's a hor... hor... there's a hor..."
Vex: "Yeah, not really the time for one of your whorehouse stories."

  • RIP


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Loving the gore and viscera. So nice that they managed to keep that all in there. Their story has always been rough and tumble, and it's nice to see it kept in the edit.

Some excellent performances, even with the much faster pacing of the show compared to the stream.

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