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The League: Season 2

2x08 The Tie

Probably the best episode so far. The gay couple approaching the guys was a bit silly but otherwise it was pretty funny. Taco was even bearable. I'd like to see Jenny involved in more of the video chats, as she's part of the team.

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[5,7/10] Sigh, another substandard episode of The League with a bunch of go-nowhere stories that underwhelm. Plus this one had a solid dose of homophobia to it, with Peter thinking the friend who wants to give him Bears tickets is just interested in a handjob! Then there’s all the “Fear Boner” nonsense which just plays into that idea even more. Lowest common denominator jokes here, without any of the cleverness of, say, fellow FXX show Archer when it’s going for something lewd. At least we got the Taco/Kevin songs at the very end which were catchy.

The bit about Kevin being tired of being commissioner for the crap he gets was a solid idea, but it devolved into the usual ridiculousness. The show wants you to care about the stories, but then treats the people involved like cartoon characters, making it all a bunch of weightless wacky adventures.

And Taco’s fascination with “ancient Western medicine” was good for a laugh or two, but pretty thin broth.

Overall, another forgettable, undercooked installment, with a dash of retrograde gay panic mixed in.

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