After the masterful episode 4 I thought it's only going to get better. However I felt the Sam and Henry story was rushed, there was not enough time spent with these two characters in order for their deaths to be as impactful as it was in the game. Also, the character and the story of Kathleen or whatever her name was, is probably the worst thing I have ever seen on TV. The only bad thing happening to that entire sequence is Jeffrey Pierce not spending few more episodes on screen.

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Felt too much rushed. And what's this about characters dying every episode??!

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After a bit of a slow start, owing to the obligatory background info dump on Henry and Sam, this episode really opens up in the second half and doesn't ease off the throttle until the closing minutes.

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Now its getting good :grin:

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"It ends the way it ends"

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Seriously god damn it that shit was sad.

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Melanie Lynskey (Kathleen as the “leader”) is absolutely not fit for this role lmao. It was already apparent in the previous episode, but this one cements it. Some actors get typecast for a reason, and there’s a reason why Lynskey is usually the awkward goofy lighthearted type.

Other than that, another good episode in a good show.

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This episode is absolutely amazing…

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This was the best episode yet. This show continues to impress and shows just how great a video game adaption can be.

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Making Sam deaf was a great example of how diversity and representation don't have to compromise a character. I'm not deaf myself, I don't know anyone who's deaf, and yet you won't hear anything negative from me about Sam being deaf, because 1) it's not my place to judge whether it's meaningful to those represented, and 2) they managed to keep everything that really mattered about him.

In fact, I'd argue Craig Mazin even elevated Sam's character and his dynamic with Henry by tying his deafness to his innocence. Sam can't hear the gunfire, explosions, screaming, and tough conversations that Henry has to deal with and protect Sam from. It ties into what Joel tells Henry about how being a kid is easier. What a great adaptation of this chapter in the story.

That moment where Sam is sitting on the edge of the bed and we don't know if he's turned was adapted brilliantly. In the show, Ellie knows he's infected, but when she calls out to him and gets no response, she doesn't know if he's okay, because he's deaf. Great example of incorporating representation into a story in an uncompromising and meaningful way.

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goodnight i want to die

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one didn't survive, the other couldn't endure

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Amazing. This portion of the story hit way harder than it did in the game.

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Stay awake with me

I Promise

I’m sorry


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Damn. This is such a phenomenally, phenomenally engrossing show that’s ability to connect on an emotional level is truly unparalleled within the world of television. I’m gonna go to the store buy a box of tissues, grab a pen and write on them how much I love this fucking show, then cry into the tissue.

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They made this even sadder than the game.

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Yeah, I'm not ok after this...

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Bella Ramsay's face and cry when the camera snapped to her as Henry shot himself gutted me.

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Thanks HBO, Neil and Craig, I'm now depressed

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This show started out brilliant, and just keeps getting better every episode. How in the world!?

Absolute masterpiece of an episode.

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I keep scoring each episode 10/10 and for me this is the best one of all but I guess I felt the same with the previous ones! Another great example of how to bring an amazing sequence on the game into a great story and emotional ride. The changes applied are perfect and the snipper scene is perfectly staged!

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“I’m sorry” :sob::sob::sob: It killed me

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This show is great. Great writing. Great story. Can't wait for the next episode

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Fantastic pacing and really intense. I think Henry and Sam are portrayed really well!

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Intense. Heartbreaking. Each episode keeps getting better and better. The way Joel protects Ellie is amazing to watch.

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Well... FUCK! I knew what was coming and it still managed to floor me, so I have to give the episode top marks for excelling at bulldozing my heart with another heartbreaking tale about the human condition. Anyway, this is a turning point for Ellie, what little was left of her childhood innocence has been shattered. It's hardcore "endure and survive" from now on.

Some valleys with the peaks as expected, but they're mostly appropriate silences to convey Sam's soundless world, and the gravity of the situation the brothers are in.

8.5/10 - for Henry and Sam (and for the massive hoard of horror that emerged from the bowels of hell and descended like a plague on those very deserving townsfolk... that shit was beautiful, and fuck you Kathleen).

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Thanks to The Last of Us for scheduling my weekly cry.
That's traumatic even for who played the game.
Amazing episode indeed.

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‘My blood is medicine’…,
Such a good scene

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First I want to say, when side characters get proper attention, shows are 1000x better, and The Last of Us succeeds at this. The side/minor characters create the perfect world building, and shows what's happening in and outside of Joel/Ellie. Everyone is in the worst situation, but takes different avenues to recertify, and they all feel they're doing the right thing at the moment.

Kathleen brings up fate. I guess it was fate for her to get bit by a child clicker. She's going to turn into what she truly is. A monster.

I had a feeling something would happen to Henry, and Sam. Still hurt the same. Total mood killer. Great show, regardless. You manage to get emotionally attached to these characters. Great writing, and story.

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It doesn't get any better than this. It's on a par with episode three, but with more action. And yet the emotions still hit hard when they need to. I also like the changes the writers have made compared to the game, as they are better suited to the TV show.

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How many times is this show going to make me fall in love with characters just to have my heart ripped out? This episode had just about everything, so exciting and emotional at the same time.

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The best and also saddest episode so far. Can't wait for how they handle Winter. With how things are going, I only see great things on the horizon

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Crazy how they keep killing off characters that The Walking Dead would keep around for at least three seasons.

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“To the edge of the universe and back. Endure and survive.”

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omg, this is so sad..........

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When the emotions are all over the place the last 10 minutes

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This is more than a T.V. show. This is art.

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this episode is so sad yet expressed perfectly. they made a good choice on the parts to keep from the game.

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That was a great episode. the ending was heartbreaking.

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If we hadn’t already learned this about The Last of Us is that they’re not afraid to kill off it’s cast of characters along the journey. Gut wrenching.

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Damn this episode fucked me up :cry:

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What the fuck, man. This went from super epic to super sad way too fast.

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Holly merde!!! This show never slows down

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Totally fantastic TV,best I have seen in a long while, show just gets better and better and unexpected things NGS happening.

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We are getting absolutely EVERYTHING on this rollercoaster of a series of a journey. I don’t know what to feel right now :sob:

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Getting bored by the setup = new characters, died at the end, nothing new to the story.

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A terrifying episode that shows the violence of the present and foreshadows the inevitable, it also takes the time to present the perfect portrayl of Sam and Henry's story to layer Joel and Ellie's complex journey. The clickers and bloaters look incredible!

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What an amazing episode!! An absolute masterpiece

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:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

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Even though I was disappointed that some dialogues in the game were not included, it was the best episode so far.

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why did they do that to me

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wow! This show keeps me audible. I usually don't talk at the TV but dang. This show has me like RUN, and WTF was that... haha

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Shout by ragreynolds

Still a great episode, but for me it might be my least favourite adaptation of the game's material yet. I felt it was very rushed and I never formed the same emotional attachment to Sam and Henry as I did in the game. I felt the tunnel section was done super dirty here, and it felt like they only even included it as a sort of nod to the game. I also really wasn't a fan of how they wrapped up the Kathleen plot. They gave her quite a bit of screen time for someone that just got unalived in an instant, and I felt like all her time on screen up until then didn't really add anything to the story.

Episode 3 was amazing, and I'm very glad we got it and that it was the length it was, but when I see Bill and Frank getting so much time to tell such a small story, I expect bigger stories like Sam and Henry to be treated with at least an equal amount of respect, and sadly that didn't happen. This definitely could have done with being another longer episode with an extra 20 minutes or so.

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Bored by this show by now

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Why did they finnaly get some amazing characters and then kill them off right away.

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Decent episode, really dislike the psycho vibe from the boss lady. People follow confidence and charisma... She has neither.

Loved they didn't pull punches on Sam and killed aweful as it was.

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Shout by Sophiaso

Since I know the games, I have been dreading Sam's death since the moment he appeared. It was one of the saddest moments of the game for me, and the show captured it well, perhaps even "elevated" it.


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Seriously thought everyone would survive and move on.

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Yep, not going to Kansas city anytime soon

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That scenes at the end are just heartbreaking. Amazingly acted but so tough. The action scenes were also very well done in this episode.

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Shout by DAVY X
BlockedParent2023-09-13T15:50:36Z— updated 2023-09-27T02:59:20Z

and my favourite episode
thus far.
Even though I knew what
was coming because I
play the games so much
it still hit with impact.
I was oh here we go
it's the Henry and Sam
part, yes they left out
a massive chunk of
the time spent with them,
the toy robot part
the Ellie keeping
Henry safe, the nearly
drowning part where
Joel goes to rip Henry
a new one and Ellie stops
him, the fight out the building
and my personal favourite
When Henry and Sam
leave Joel for dead and
Ellie jumps back down
to Joel.
all that being said I
thought they handled
the brief meeting well
enough and had the main
set pieces of their encounter,
including using this episodes
title name from the actual
book Ellie is collecting and
reading in the video game,
which Joel does mention
to Henry, so kudos for that
attention to detail.
that last 25 minutes was
Epic and absolutely showed
me that this show means
business and is not fcuking
around, and after this
frickin awesome episode
I can now officially say that
(for TLOU part1).

Hella Yeah

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Shout by Deleted



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I AM NOT OKAY RIGHT NOW. This show succeeds each time in making me care about the characters, only to kill them right after. IM CRYING. Sam was so innocent, and Henry was such a fighter for him. This show is so tragic

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This is my least favourite episode so far. The character inconsistencies for plot relevance are glaring and increasingly frustrating. Why is army veteran Joel’s aim with a rifle so absurdly different from one scene to the next; going from struggling to hit a windshield to pinpoint accuracy shooting infected and then missing multiple times as one climbs into a vehicle with Ellie!? These characters are so dumb it’s a wonder they’ve survived this long. Terrible writing to support a weak storyline

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Shout by Aid45

Wow. It was getting a bit boring then the clickers awakened. That was a stroke of luck. I had no idea they were like that. They were like the World War Z zombies and the giant was like Resident Evil Nemesis.

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A slight improvement, but they're really taking this title literally, aren't they? Potentially interesting characters who survive for years off camera appear and are killed off as soon as Joel and Ellie come anywhere near.

Some lovely moments in that episode though, both emotional and action, for a change. The "they have a cave troll" moment was funny.

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Best episode of the show so far.
Surprising, because it’s one of the worst parts of the game.

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It doesn't matter how many times you play through the game, the last five minutes of this episode are just BRUTAL!

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what the fuck man (╥_╥)

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A great and a heartbreaking episode.

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Hell yeah!

and sad at the same time

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mfs are making show better than game it seems & game itself is awesome af.

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Wow, this was an amazing episode :clap:

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Why didn’t they allow me to heal first? They could’ve squeezed in 3 more episodes before this.

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Totally Masterpiece! they have done it so well for real and they really passed my expectations! i don't wanna this endddddd, give me more of it!

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Maybe a little bit too slow in some parts, anyway superb episode.

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This episode kept me on edge and wanting more.

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Shout by SANCTI

great episode and sad end for sam and henry:cry:

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This has been the best episode thus far, in a series that's pretty solid to begin with.

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every episode of this damages me emotionally more than the last

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Wow! Love the last part! And Sam… ufff ensure and survive…

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Did anyone notice, that Bella looks so much like a child of Zuckerberg? Felt it from the beginning.

Otherwise great show so far IMHO.

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I love the part where the guy is cowering on the floor and crying for help after he just tried to kill someone

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