Easily the best episode of the season. Sure there were still some iffy moments, with the new gen q characters ofc (always). Another random, poorly acted guest spot by people I'm sure I'm meant to know but don't coz I don't watch reality TV. But all that paled in the light of the OG cast members. And sooo happy they brought Tasha back for more. Didn't realise how much I missed her!
The show likely isn't going to be picked up for a new season and honestly I'm happy about that considering the state of this one. We got a decent send off and a Bette x Tina wedding. The vows were so beautiful. I've loved being back in the orbit of this group of friends.

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Oh man, this was everything. I've loved Tina and Bette together since the first run, episode 1. I was super happy to see Tascha. I always liked her for Alice, after Dana was gone. As much as I loved the first show, I remember it being chaotic. People coming and going, some without any reason. They would just disappear. I'm glad they didn't do that on this show too often, and that Gigi and Nat were at least mentioned. Great episode.

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