I thought Nat was seriously ill or something the way she was acting! Glad it wasn't the case. Would be interesting for the show to explore polyamory outside of straight up thruples. Coz they can be very different things!

P.s. Once again I could not care less about Sophie or Finley. Thank u, next.
Unfortunately I fear the 'will they won't they get back together' might be the focus of the season.

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Honestly, I was leery enough of the way the previous episode ended, that I wasn't quite sure I wanted to keep watching this season. I'm really glad I decided to return, though. Because even though I still think that specific big soapy moment was too big and soapy, this episode handles the aftermath perfectly. I have no doubt that when melodrama is your bread and butter – and you do it as well as The L World as it best does (both the original and GenQ – it can be tricky to judge how big of a swing is too big before it messes with the tone of the show. I'm also fully aware that one person's "too big" is going to be another person's "just big enough", which makes finding the balance even harder. So, as long as the show is able to use those too big (according to me) swings to instigate all of this absolutely amazing, more subtle character drama, I guess it's okay with me.

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