And another thing! I was just thinking about the Bette x Tina story about hearing Angie's heartbeat for the first time. Talk about breaking continuity! I distinctly remember the big reveal of Tina being like 5/6 months pregnant without Bette knowing and a baby's first heartbeat scan is waaay before then.
Come on, writers. That's just lazy!

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This was all kinds of mistakes waiting to happen. But as with the first show, I knew they were going to happen.

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Terrible writing. Cliche on top of cliche. Awful acting. Was I ever in love with that show? Sad face

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Shout by Reiko LJ

And the predictable conclusions come together. A thruple with two ex wives was destined for this. No matter how much I wanted it to work out.

The Finley x Sophie thing had 1 episode of clear set up last week and no foreshadowing before that (did they just come up with it?) they're welcome to each other. I could not care less about either of them. That scene with Sophie and her family in the hospital was a whole room of bad acting.
Dani and Bette. I can get on board with that though. I think we'd all have a crush on Bette in that situation. Sucks when it's your boss though! Makes life at work distracting at times ;)

Shane and the baby. Not sure how I feel about that. I don't like that they've got a character here with clear 'childfree' ideals that was suddenly convinced that parenting is worth it after getting invested in her 'nieces' love life. We all know there is a shit tonne more to it than that. I'm glad they haven't made her instantly on board and okay with it but wondering if that switch will happen later.

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Shout by Bianca


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