this could easily be my favorite episode.

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Indescribably good. Great start of the season, and truly one of the best comedy episodes I have ever seen.

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fucking brilliant episode, best way to start the season

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Holy crap this episode was hilarious

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Comedy gold. “I’m disabled”. After watching this so many times, I doubt I’ll ever see anything as funny.

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What a great great opener to season 2. On my last comment i described how disappointed i was at the last half of season 1, and how i barely wanted to continue with the series but i am glad i did, very funny opening episode to season 2 and faith restored, let's hope this keeps up.

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“I thought I could make it work between us because you looked like a man”.

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This is probably the best sitcom episode ever written or made.

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Hilarious! Had me in stitches, putting in danger my recent hernia operation’s stitches.

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Best episode yet. So much better than last season. Had me laughing out loud on this very quiet train. :/

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Best episode so far, haha!

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This was simply a masterpiece!

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