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The I-Land 2019

I watched the whole thing and now I wish I had stoped after the first episode.

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Well I managed to get to the end of the season, it’s an okay show, could have been so much better!
The acting is not the best, but the story keeps you watching......
There are plenty of holes in the script, but some how it does still keep you watching. If you have caught up on all of you other shows then maybe give this one a go and let it fill the gaps until your favourite shows return

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Finally, a show that answers the question, "What if Lost made way less sense, spelled everything out for you, and every character was both completely insufferable and also a total moron?"

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For anyone who started this and wants to give up (like I honestly almost did), at least either get to episode 3 (or skip episode 2 entirely just to get to 3 quicker) because that's when it finally starts to go somewhere.

I watch A LOT of TV, and if I almost gave up ... so people with way less time would dump this show in an instant. Dunno what they were thinking, but those two first episodes should have been crunched down to 30 minutes (max), and then they could use the last 10 min of that first episode to start where episode 3 started ... otherwise it's just too damn slow.

Anyway, will update when finished watching.

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Its bad. Just bad. The idea/consept was good, but the story writing and the acting is just terrible.

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This is the worst show I've ever seen... The bad plot that doesn't make any sense, the horrible acting skills... Please don't waste your time watching this...

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For something with clearly such a big budget, this appeared to be very low budget. Second rate acting, basic scores, dodgy camera work.
The storyline itself had quite a lot of promise. I was intrigued. As questions were answered, more questions were asked. And I was curious to hear the answers.
That said, I wouldn’t say I was clutching the edge of my seat with anticipation or excitement.
At least Chase and K.C. were attractive I suppose.
All in all, I can see why this won’t be returning for a second season.

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I gave up after the third episode — I could cope with the bad acting but not the blatant stupidity of the people

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I was expecting so much more. Instead, it's quite boring.

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The plot has so much potential, but the acting is bad, and its just over all weird and awkward.

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I'd rather shit out of my mouth then watch something this bad again.

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Is it good? No, but it's entertaining. It doesn't answer nearly as many questions as it asks, and the big twist at the end almost feels like a cheat, considering it doesn't really solve anything else, it just leads to even more questions. If you try to think too much about it, it sort of falls apart, like a dream, but if you're looking for a fun ride, you've found it.

This is essentially The Prisoner, but prettier, and not as smart, and the first is debatable. Still, I enjoyed myself and I'm glad Netflix published this. I'd like to see more series and films like this.

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This is an odd one. There are good things and bad things about this mini-series but overall it's pretty average. The quality of the acting was generally good - Kate Bosworth and Natalie Martinez do the bulk of the heavy lifting here - but some of the dialogue is terrible and the plot is thin at best, full of holes at worst. Frustratingly, many of the characters are woefully underwritten and as such it's difficult to care about most of them.

The finale was probably the weakest episode, unfortunately, mainly because the crescendo was a bit of a 'meh' rather than a satisfying payoff for having watched the previous 6 episodes. There's a twist in the final scenes that the writers probably thought was more impactful than it actually is. The fact the episodes are around 40 minutes each and there's only 7 of them definitely works in its favour. It's worth a binge if you're looking for an unchallenging stopgap before something better comes along but it's certainly not going to be on anyone's "Best of 2019" lists.

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I am into the 5th episode, but I am just slogging through, no interest whatsoever. The characters are all stereotypes, and the entire series feels like someone watched The Maze Runner and Lost and had an idea. A very lame idea. The sequences are just so staged. Each dialogue is painful. The plot twists are laughable. Goofs are plenty. If you want to have a laugh, go watch the sequence at the very end of Episode 3...hate it already, but need to see what happens in the end. So, curiosity wins, but it is really a waste of time :(

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I enjoyed it, even though I was painfully aware of how absolutely terrible it really was.

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Lousy, shit in a box, slammed to the ground.

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I must have enjoyed this more than most, albeit I’ll admit it’s far from the greatest thing ever made and the ending could have been given a bit more time/effort.

Yes, it starts slow with a very “Lost 2.0 clone” feel, but then like others have said it starts to go in it’s own direction.
Goes some interesting way, few interesting twists along the way. Acting and writing is fine for the most part.

If you enjoy having “Background” shows on that just play away while you are doing other things, that’s what it was perfect for IMO.
I had it on while processing photos on a nearby laptop and it did the job

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Started well, but it went rapidly downhill and didn't improve again.

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I gave 8 because I like it very much and I disagree with most of the comments. The two first episodes can be misleading but after that the whole thing is much clearer. For me it is a science fiction category series. It was difficult resisting seeing more than 2 episodes per day.

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People seem to generally not like this so much. I disagree. For me it was superb.

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If not for at least two huge plot holes, I'd give it even a 7 maybe.

First one - how could two people remember the same event differently?
If Chases memory killing her mother was implanted, then where did Cooper got his memory from? If it's vice versa, how could Chase remember wrong scenario of the event? I mean either memories were implanted or they really did remember - show doesn't suggest it was a mix of both.

Second one - when awake, how Chase could see others also young lying in these pools? It was explained how she sees herself young, but not others.

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Did they spoiled plot in a trailer? WOW!!!

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The idea is there, execution not so much. Awful script, sub-par acting. Cheesy, predictable and downright cringe-worthy at times. If you've got nothing else to watch, it will pass the time but won't keep you totally entertained.

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what the hack..... It's 9102 year already, people in this shows still like never see any new stuff

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Shout by amasulem
BlockedParent2019-09-14T00:00:18Z— updated 2019-09-15T05:22:24Z

The series is basically a narrative of what should have been the explanation behind 'Lost'. The first episode drags and there are editing errors in it. The dialogue sometimes sucks too but then the characters are wooden possibly deliberately due to the amnesia...but it comes alive in the second episode, and the third kicks us nicely right into sci-fi gear. Haven't watched it all but so far quite promising.

Except by the time you reach the last episode and meet up with some rather stark plot holes and inconsistencies that cheat you of a satisfactory payoff. This could have been easily accomplished by a Dust film, or Black Mirror episode which I sense is possibly a plot model. The extraneous factors introduced into the concluding scenes implode themselves into the plot out of nowhere with no foreshadowing. I will avoid a second season if one comes, but I really doubt that. Despite this it was a rather good idea but poorly executed, although at no fault of the acting talent.

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