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The Head 2020

Should have stopped with first season, the 2nd is trying to hard to repeat the first season. Fairly good watch overall.

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Boring, boring, boring. And what a stupid Ending?!Seriously?

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Fantastic mini series, it keeps you guessing until the end.

Brilliantly executed, keeps the suspense going until the end.

My only criticism is the final episode; it gives the ending away too early in the episode. I’d have liked to have been left guessing until the final scene.

Highly recommend.

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The first season had been very good, the second one... not so much. It's not a bad watch at all, but it's a confirmation of the old adage that sequels almost always fail in trying to recapture whatever it was that worked the first time around. It was a valiant effort nonetheless, some stuff even works well enough but it's just not as shocking as it tries to be.

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Loved series 1, series 2 - ominous music building up to a climax that never happens for 40 minutes every episode isn't entertainment, it's an advanced torture technique

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Suspenseful fun. Spooky. Hindered only by Grea Thunberg level scientific understanding of climate. Ending surprised me.

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It is a great show, don't get me wrong, BUT... as I was able to guess what went wrong with the crew, the show didn’t have the same impact on me that other people had when watching till the very last episode.
Oh by the way... Thanks "Maggie" for condemn the whole planet just to get your personal revenge

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ok this was totally unexpected, noone knows about this show and i'm angry about that !
simply fantastic. Agony in every episode, a well build mystery with fantastic flashbacks, so tide up story everything made sense and of course the ending. Even though you may suspected some stuff you get blown away by the actual reason and all! a must see!

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Nice little show, good actors I was unaware of like Katharine O'Donnelly
I don't think you'll regret watching it.

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A tv show that is inspired or directly copies other titles from "The thing" (1982) to "Fortitude" (2015-2018), but with less provocative intention. Although the instruments certainly fit to create a correct thriller, it is a conservative proposal, which only seems to seek a development as trivial as it is effective. Nothing new, no risk, no visual punch, and yet it works within its limitations.

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I admit - I am drawn to movies made in the Arctic, Iceland, or South Pole. While many of these movies do seem to have lame plots or easy-to-solve story lines, the films as a whole (working, playing, surviving in a blistering, wintry snow in an isolated location with a few people) appeal to me. THIS movie (scenery & story line) was a little different! While it was all of the things environmentally described above, the whodunit kept me guessing right up until the end. But the how and why blew me away! Very well written story and well played by the actors. I really enjoyed this series and highly recommend it. I binged watched this entire show and loved it.

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