I truly dislike jump scares, not because they scare the shit out of me (they do!), but because they're a cop-out, a lazy option overused in today's horror. But - holy shit! - that scene with the sisters arguing with each other in the car... THAT'S how you do a jump scare! Also, nice way to stop a fight. Then, Theo's monologue right after was emotionally intense, I could feel her despair creeping inside me. This show can be slow and boring, at times, but the acting is consistently well above average.

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Some interesting pieces coming together. No tree house... Mrs Dudley asking what room the game room was. So many little details we took for granted coz the kids experiences were actually unreliable narration by the sounds of things.

Another strong monologue too, this time from Theo. This show is superb.

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OMG the jump scares! They're getting me so hard!

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Oh my, the scene in the car:
I don't know why, but "There was no tree house" made me shiver more, than all the jump-scares.

Love, that the current finally reached the house.

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Damn! That jump scare in the car sequence with Theo and Shirley got me icecold

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i have whiplash i went from horrified and on the verge of cardiac arrest to utterly heartbroken within 60 seconds

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O. M. G !!!! Who was that at the end?? Why, Luke?? Why?? Now everybody is going to the house.
So now I get it why all of the siblings hate Steve's book.
SHIT!! these episodes keeps getting better and better.

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THAT jumpscare always gets me

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Motherfucker, my laptop almost fell on the ground off my lap from that goddamn surprise in the car, it is not much scary, but it was indeed out of its fkn time! We all focused on the conversation, and bam, here we go XD

On the other hand

You fight with love
You are on the same team, even in the middle of a fight
During the fight, you are forgiven
There's no fear. There's no danger.
You're safe.

Than was one of the favorite words I marked ever, about relationships and love <3

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@ the jumpscare: even Nellie has had enough of Shirley’s shit from beyond the grave.

Notice how most scares come out of the family arguing/fighting with each other and missing the main “focal point” of the convo. So relatable irl.

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They finally listen to each other.

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At this point, I have to wonder if they're all gonna die and leave Shirley's kids to prove if Hugh is right and if they'll be haunted as well. Although that would kinda prove Steve right too. At the moment, Steve is still a jerk. He could have tried a donor since he was so certain it's a genetic defect rather than anything supernatural, but if it's a curse, even children that aren't biologically his could be targeted, so he'd be wrong but eventually right...

Good one with the clock repairman as well. He did stand out to me but since the scene went forward, I didn't think anything more of it. Nice seeing a ghost in plain sight like that.

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Has to be one of netflixes best shows to date.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Second time around and Theo's monologue still hits hard. Kate Siegel deserves all the awards for that scene.

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Great episode
and Theo's performance
was spectacular,
someone give this
woman an Emmy already,
how can you not be
moved by that.
Steve is still a Douchebag
he just won't pack in
being a Dick with his Dad
and Steve believing he has
all the answers to everything
and the fact he believes
he's so right about everything
annoys me to fcuk.
Steve with his oh it's
all untreated Mental illness
really pisses me off,
I hope the house gets him
me and right before that
moment he's about to be
the houses bitch he realises
shit I was wrong......
"Nightmares are Real".

And now onto
The Penultimate episode

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Shout by Mike

34:54 min. Fuck you. I shit my pants.

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The conversion between father and son in a car about why he dont want children. That there is a sickness in his gens and he dont want that in them. This opens something inside me. I always was scared to have children and now I can understand better why. My father is not the best parent in the world and I do not fuck up like him at growing my children. This fear creating a lot of difficulties in a relationship.

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Holy f*ck, that jump scare really got me...
This episode was absolutely superb!

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Luke, had the exact thought that crossed my mind from a few episodes back, but apparently that doesn't work. I don't know what I'd do after that point.

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Solid performances all around once again. A better mix of drama and scary/woo-woo stuff, but still too much of the former. And honestly, Steve made the right call on the medical front all those years ago. Because this family ain't right.

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