Mostly disturbing and sad in this one. If you saw any Horror movies, you know the pets aren’t safe.

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Shirley has been through so much.
It's really interesting how they show parts of their childhood, it seems like all of them have experienced a lot of drama and not so normal situations.
So far, so good.

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Underwhelming so far featuring bland characters. Hopefully things will start picking up soon given the ripe setting.

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"We're all stories in the end"

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The first episode, though slowly paced, had a nice creepy vibe going on throughout the whole episode. This one, on the other hand, was just slow and boring to watch.

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It’s losing my interest now. Very slow paced.

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A Shirley centered episode. There are enough kids to keep this interesting. And if they all go through as much character building as in this one, that will be a great job. We get everything. Childhood trauma leading to her current job, the different relationships with her siblings, how she try to cope. That's a real great job here.

The relationship to death, specially for kids is also very well treated here. Shirley with the kittens, and her mother, but also with her kids, and her customers. And obviously with her sister and the way she insist on handling Nell's corpse is also part of it. But wow, how fucked up is it to insist so much on doing this job on your own sister !

"Do you know what I'm doing right now ? I'm elbow-deep in our sister's chest cavity pulling out a bag of her internal organs" Epic quote !

Also a nice parallel on her doing make up both for her sister's wedding and funeral.

As expected, already sign of the mother going crazy. Migrains, sure. And that the Dudleys know very well you shouldn't be there after dark.

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Elizabeth Reaser's acting was a force of nature here, she's such a good actress, Lulu's Wilson also great, but not in that way. I love how the children counterparts fits so well with the adults characters, we can see clearly that right at the beginning. I can't understand the hate with this episode. I think was stunning and powerful. The camera work and color grading still impressive, of course this deserves a emmy WINNING, not just a nomination. The written ins't completely perfect here, but the execution makes this perfect, and the edition too. Shirley's character for me, is the most interesting character of the show, just behind of Eleanor & Liv and is on par with Luke. I love this episode, because we all know Shirley's passion with the death, it all about stories, we are stories, and this is life, this is beauty, and our story after death, it's our legacy.

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Such a dull, slow episode, nearly broke the skip button on every scene. giving it one more chance! sigh

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This episode primarily focused on Shirley and her impacting life events. It's interesting seeing how her childhood experiences drove her to adulthood and deciding to be a mortician.

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This outing focuses on the eldest Crain daughter, Shirley. It's only appropriate that one of the Crain kids would end up in the funeral business, but the genesis of her future career path is a sad one. In the end, I found the young Shirley to be considerably more appealing and humane than her colder, elder self. We also get our first real sense that Mama Crain ain't all well in the head. The show is slowly ratcheting up the suspense and horror and I'm fine with it so far, but I can see why some folks who want quicker gratification might be wanting to see things start moving faster.

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Noway should I
have to grind through
a season 1 episode 2
like that, man that was
some boring shit right
there. With so many
kids and 8 episodes left
if every episode devotes
that much screen time
to each character well
that leaves nothing
left for the Horror and
the scares and that's just
To much family drama
for me, this is not what
I signed up for.
this episode just dragged
on and on and on
and went absolutely nowhere.

It's got 2 more episodes
for some shit to go down
and if this is the best
it has to offer upto
episode 4 then that's
me done I'll tap-out on
that and it's straight
over to "AHS".

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bugs crawling out of mouths is not an aesthetic im into

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The thing continues well, for now, we continue to see.

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Another dull episode only with dead kittens!

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