If I had an alter ego who smiles creepily at me I’d shit my pants.

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At what point, putting a mask on the faceless character seems like a good idea to Flora. Holy God Creepy

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Find someone who looks at you the way Dani looks at Jamie

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The show is getting more intense.

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I’m running out of things to say because I’m so bored

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A compelling series which draws you deeper and deeper every episode. The real horror is our own pasts.

However, I found myself jarringly taken out of the drama by consistent errors in British English. Math not maths, 'enn-velope' not 'on-velope', one brother having an upper class accent, the other Estuary English. (I could probably also pick holes in Henry's shirt tailoring, but I can live with that).

Can't imagine it would take much to have got this sorted.

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All Gold
Once again
Knocked Clean Out
The Ball Park
And the best episode
of this season so far.
This episode was
the gift that kept on giving
definitely Hill House
Quality writing at this
This episode was off
the charts Awesome
truly exceptional
and the performances
were Stellar.
Horror Anthology at
it's absolute best.
This series is Golden.

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you guys, Flora putting a "face" on the ghost did make it hella creepier but at the same time my mind kept going to the Dwight scene in that first-aid episode of The Office lmao :rofl:

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This is getting serious now!!!

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