Wow a lot went down this episode. Peter is a real piece of work. So interesting to see Oliver Jackson-Cohen play such a vastly different character this time around.

Bloody background figures creeping me out! Some soldier this time a little doll like one. Ughhh!

I'm glad I wasn't imagining the growing chemistry between Dani and Jamie either. Absolutely sizzling.

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A spectacular ending, I think Nell's fear has been absorbed by the house. Now we're really screwed.

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I'm starting to think that Peter might have issues.

All kidding aside, though, this show continues to be hugely entertaining.

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pretty sure i never hated children characters as much as i hate them in this show. seriously making me question whether i should even continue...

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Looks like Flora took her favourite expression from Rebecca, unless... Miles also seems to have taken the people's key thing from Peter, but it is very likely that Peter is possessing Miles, so maybe the same with Rebecca and Flora..

They go to great length to show that Peter is a toxic guy, way too much. That scene where he shouts at Rebecca for tasting what Owen was cooking is so beyond ridiculously parodic that it's more comical than tragic. There were surely better way to convey that.

Kids are creepy again with their little play. But it seems to be something they did often ? So the line between just creepy and possessed is getting blurry.

Dani's ghost : definitevely the guy from Sin City !

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It’s all in your framing. And this ain’t it, folks.

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The episode does not please everyone ... it is only 7.6 and it may still hurt ... BUT in my opinion, it is really great, we learn a lot about the characters even if there is still a lot of mystery, the episode will not appeal to everyone because it is quite slow, not in terms of duration but in terms of pace and there is a lot of dialogue.

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Weak Source
Well that sucked
and with some bull-shit
left field ending just
to drag you back for
the next episode.
the two kids leading the
charge throw this series
are starting to just straight up
annoy me now, don't get
me started on their voices.
I'm just not that interested
on what little is going on.
Fcuk all happened in this
episode, certainly not
enough to justify my
time spent with it,
it was all bloody boring
and very unmemorable.
This series has 1 more
episode to win me over
If not I'm
Tapping-Out on that
and straight over to
"AHS" to get my
Horror kicks.

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Rebecca Jessel is such a lovely woman. Peter Quint and Miles Wingrave suck. Hannah also has more chemistry with Jamie than Owen. What the hell was that ending.

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the sound director needs psychiatric help ... massive invasion of crickets in England and a Scotsman with the weirdest accent, sort of a cross between Sean Connery and PewDiePie

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Well I liked this glimpse into the past, as a story in itself, but nothing scary about it other than the "wiles of a manipulative, abusive man". Sigh.

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The ending spices things up a bit!

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Ok, so I was wrong in the last episode's comments, it's not Hannah's daughter but Rebecca Jessel.

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Not only the house attracts ghost but it attracts romance :) wtf the soldier and wtf the kid with the hand in the pocket all the time. This is creepy!

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