Alicia was done so dirty, she was basically cornered to run to state's attorney, won without doing anything illegal, only to have the office stripped out of her hands due to political mess that had nothing to do with her and then get banished from her own firm because of tarnished reputation? she lost everything due to this election :(

it's also a bummer than Panjabi and Marguilles had such a giant feud between them that kept us from seeing Kalinda and Alicia's friendship (on of the show's best aspects before the 4th season) develop and even have a decent goodbye arc between the two... it's all just so cold

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mind blowing. I can't believe it.

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I can't believe she's not going to be state's attorney this season! Why are they keeping her in a law firm. Alicia has so much potential as a character, the writers of this show can make her (step-by-step) the first woman president from Chicago!

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Do you really come out with that now after a whole season enduring the plot of the campaign? What a way to waste our time along with the Kalinda and Bishop plot

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and now waht alicia? As announced, Kalinda is gone

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