Quite gonna miss this show, but has been a great ride!

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This season was engrossing and very enjoyable. It was a fitting finale to a very good show, and I will miss it.

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magnificent ending to a magnificent show.

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Fitting end, to be honest. Shame about the downward spiral of the second half of the whole show, but balancing storylines or tossing them out and bringing them in left and right has a cost. Bleakness inside and outside of the writing room and only taking solace in that the fight must go on forever. Starting with Trump, ending with Trump, time is a flat circle. Even Diane's choice seems like she recognised everything she went through the whole series, and she decides darkness to be her other half, to keep it close and always fight him, because that good fight is what makes her life worth and so does everyone else's. There is nothing else.

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So, it's the end of the show, and the end of a journey for Diane. Didn't the show start out by her looking at villas in beautiful landscapes? And yet, this time it's her choice not to settle down. Loved Kurt and Lyle, loved their conversations in the stairwell, loved Diane's conversations with them - and Carmen again nailed it who she's going to choose in the end. Because not everything is about politics.

Jay leaving for the more radicalized groups while Carmen stays on the side of the law... well, it's not as though Carmen hasn't stepped over the line before, so who knows where she'll be another year from now.

The Good Fight always was brilliant when it held up the mirror, exaggerated things a bit... and it does so very effectively this time again. While I wasn't really happy for the last couple of seasons, the final half of this season returned to the focus and the high quality of earlier years. I'll miss this show. (And I wouldn't say no to a spin-off in DC's all female women's rights firm.)

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Much more stable ending, much more true to the characters than the ending of the Good Wife. Not so many loose ends and absolutely inexcusable actions - remember the stunt Diane pulled for Alicia, throwing Kurt under the bus? Made no sense. In here, we had decent answers for the continuity and endings of the stories the series started. Jay, Marissa, Diane, they all had a reasonable space to tell us where to next. The Ouroporos of the series was great: ending up just where we started, but still not in total despair as the mood of the final scene is somewhat lighthearted and the characters do recognize the journey they had traveled.

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That stair scene. Had they planned the ending from the beginning? We will miss you, well not Richard.

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