I like that they make up for last season being cut short from COVID by making one fast-paced and dense premiere about it. The "recap" of 2020's events up until January 6 to bring both the show's world-building and its characters up to current events' speed is an absolute whirlwind of the show's strength in concentrated dose. Gets a bit messy at times but overall very exhilarating, and the time-skipping rhythm helps the two actor's exits feel smoother than it would have been, after they lost the tail end of last season's episodes to properly conclude their stories.

Two things I get a kick most of: Luca saying people find her "exotic" in London when she's played by a British Cush Jumbo, and Diane's laugh in disbelief (oh how I miss that from Baranski!) at the absurd way Julius got off the sentence.

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For a moment, I was afraid the animals in the credits were gonna explode :scream:

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So, did people like that they covered the pandemic, Floyd, & Ginsburg, or am I hearing right that some wish they'd left that out? I just can't see them leaving it out, it would be untrue to the show.

Julius ending- funny

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Oh my god… The beginning with Jay. I actually forgot about Covid for a moment.

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I liked it better when things exploded ...... but as always, the series is the best.

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Oh Lucca, I'm going to miss you like I only miss characters who live in my heart. T-T

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the scenes with karl marx... its giving anticommunist vibes girls

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Yet another preaching session about covid and George Floyd, from the weak willed U.S. TV networks. Throw in the Democrats gun policy and you have the full set. What should we expect though, after the previous season spent vilifying Trump. Another show, becoming tiresome and predictable.

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Shout by kinky

How ironic: I thought this show had been cancelled last year due to COVID-19 (and the Kings' other show), but then it resurfaces with a new season premiere about the pandemic. The episode was definitely entertaining and I missed seeing all those guys, but... Did we really need another 2020 recap? Just let it go, man.

Sweet (and also ironic) ending to this episode. And those end credits... Cuteness overload! :3

Looking forward to see what this season will bring in for us in terms of gossip and law entertainment (I'm glad the mysterious Memo 618 is still a thing)!

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