I wanted more Diane chasing dangerous conspiracies in this one.

Also wish they'd do more with Melissa Golds arc other than the Jewish gossipy x generation manic pixie chick in the office.

Finally we had Lucca. And I like Lucca but I miss Kalinda at times. They made the spies in the office out to be sophisticated cool in Good Wife. Here theyre clumsier.

Which generally is something I'm keen on in this series- it's clumsier but more upbeat than Good Wife. It has a certain relish that Good Wife didn't always carry. But this season feels a bit unstable and varying in quality to me.

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Adoring this season, it's managed to stay a bit crazy.

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This episode has an unusually intense and focus central case in quite a while, in which I only know afterwards reading on reviews that it's based on a real one last year, and the real-life facts are so infuriating, and only make the show's resolution of it all the more powerful.“It feels good to win for a change.”

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I'm loving Julius' new fair, impartial and upbeat attitude! I wonder how many episodes will it take for said attitude to come bite him in the ass?

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Those posters here would have a XX jumping through the air
Those beeps for names.
Lucca and her "friends" very rich

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Disappointed in this season, it’s gone a bit crazy.

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