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The Following 2013

Loved this! really well made and great plot. Gutted there isn't a season 4!!

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We really loved this show and were very disappointed when it was cancelled. We honestly believed it would have a spin off the way it ended.. boo

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I absolutely love the show and maybe they can bring it back under another name…since “Ryan Hardy” is still alive. Was very sad when I heard this show was cancelled.

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Loved the Ryan/Joe dynamic, but the show lost a little something after season one. Still, I'm sad to see it go... gonna miss my weekly dose of Shawn Ashmore!

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A captivating show with unlimited suspense and quality story telling.

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It was fresh, new and scary. I started to watch because of Kevin Bacon, I am his fan, I am truly am, and he didn't disappointed me.

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I love this show... but dammit!! Fox just officially cancelled it now. Ugh...

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A captivating show with unlimited suspense and quality story telling.

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Shout by Dave

Can't believe I watched this all the way to the end. Terrible show, even the Baconator couldn't drag this thing above mediocre. Fine actors I suppose, but absolutely terrible writing and plot.

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I can't believe that this garbage was continued to season 2 , and now seems like season 3.
I couldn't care less about the characters, maybe because they are so flat. The plot makes no sense half of the time , and the other half it's plain ridiculous and predictable.

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I hadn´t planned watching this. A friend recommended it and lend me his BluRays.

Well, I made it up to the E07 that´s all I could bear. Good acting, the atmosphere is right, but very bad scripts. Every episode is basically a repetition of the one before. FBI is stupid and the big mastermind outsmarts them all. And this all works only because every now and than one of the good guys turns bad. So predictable and also so unbelievable. I will not spent my time going through this any longer.

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Done it. Not sure how I've made it 'til the end of the season. Can't believe this get's a second chance. That's it for me, I'm outta here....

6/10: Great concept, great cast, but so many flaws, if this was a book, I would have thrown it in the fireplace...

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Easily the worst show I have seen in a long time. Gave up after 6 episodes. Couldn't tolerate it anymore.

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Shout by Deleted

This show is drifting apart into nothingless boring land... Too bad 'cause it started pretty damn good :(

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Shout by Deleted

Awesome show so far and the pilot was really awesome!

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Almost finished first season. When I started I really liked it but after like 5 episodes it became a bit boring.
Not sure if I'll continue to watch season 2 and 3

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I was entertaining at the 1st season. I was hooked. During 2nd season I didn't like any of the new characters, the story was a "maybe" to the half of it. After 5 years I am now trying to finish the series bc I'm not able to not finish certain shows but it's so hard. The story isn't coherent, entertaining... the allure of the cult or the mass murderer is not existent so why even make the 3rd season?

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This is available online Stan too.

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Shout by Deleted

Could have been great but fails miserably, first few episodes looked good but after that it just got to be a little ridiculous how the mighty FBI was constantly outsmarted

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Shout by Deleted

Only just came across this show and after watching the first few episodes was thinking this could be really good! But it just got to the point where I can't take it anymore the show is a joke it's so unrealistic it's untrue. Could have been great it had all the ingredients for it but fails miserably

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Shout by Deleted

Only just came across this show and after watching the first few episodes was thinking this could be really good! But it just got to the point where I can't take it anymore the show is a joke it's so unrealistic it's untrue. Could have been great it had all the ingredients for it but fails miserably

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Shout by Deleted

Only just came across this show and after watching the first few episodes was thinking this could be really good! But it just got to the point where I can't take it anymore the show is a joke it's so unrealistic it's untrue. Could have been great it had all the ingredients for it but fails miserably

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Shout by Deleted

Only just came across this show and after watching the first few episodes was thinking this could be really good! But it just got to the point where I can't take it anymore the show is a joke it's so unrealistic it's untrue. Could have been great it had all the ingredients for it but fails miserably

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Shout by Deleted

Only just came across this show and after watching the first few episodes was thinking this could be really good! But it just got to the point where I can't take it anymore the show is a joke it's so unrealistic it's untrue. Could have been great it had all the ingredients for it but fails miserably

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Shout by Deleted

Only just came across this show and after watching the first few episodes was thinking this could be really good! But it just got to the point where I can't take it anymore the show is a joke it's so unrealistic it's untrue. Could have been great it had all the ingredients for it but fails miserably

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Shout by Deleted

Only just came across this show and after watching the first few episodes was thinking this could be really good! But it just got to the point where I can't take it anymore the show is a joke it's so unrealistic it's untrue. Could have been great it had all the ingredients for it but fails miserably

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Shout by Deleted

Only just came across this show and after watching the first few episodes was thinking this could be really good! But it just got to the point where I can't take it anymore the show is a joke it's so unrealistic it's untrue. Could have been great it had all the ingredients for it but fails miserably

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Shout by Deleted

Only just came across this show and after watching the first few episodes was thinking this could be really good! But it just got to the point where I can't take it anymore the show is a joke it's so unrealistic it's untrue. Could have been great it had all the ingredients for it but fails miserably

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Shout by Deleted

Only just came across this show and after watching the first few episodes was thinking this could be really good! But it just got to the point where I can't take it anymore the show is a joke it's so unrealistic it's untrue. Could have been great it had all the ingredients for it but fails miserably

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Shout by Deleted

Only just came across this show and after watching the first few episodes was thinking this could be really good! But it just got to the point where I can't take it anymore the show is a joke it's so unrealistic it's untrue. Could have been great it had all the ingredients for it but fails miserably

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Shout by Deleted

Only just came across this show and after watching the first few episodes was thinking this could be really good! But it just got to the point where I can't take it anymore the show is a joke it's so unrealistic it's untrue. Could have been great it had all the ingredients for it but fails miserably

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Shout by Deleted

Only just came across this show and after watching the first few episodes was thinking this could be really good! But it just got to the point where I can't take it anymore the show is a joke it's so unrealistic it's untrue. Could have been great it had all the ingredients for it but fails miserably

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Shout by Deleted

Only just came across this show and after watching the first few episodes was thinking this could be really good! But it just got to the point where I can't take it anymore the show is a joke it's so unrealistic it's untrue. Could have been great it had all the ingredients for it but fails miserably

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Shout by Deleted

Only just came across this show and after watching the first few episodes was thinking this could be really good! But it just got to the point where I can't take it anymore the show is a joke it's so unrealistic it's untrue. Could have been great it had all the ingredients for it but fails miserably

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So many dark creepy moments, the ending of that episode was intense

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I wanted to see Ryan Hardy fuck some shit up.

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Goodness, This was terrible, really terrible.

You always knew that the killer always somehow survived anything thrown at him.

Thank Heavens It got cancelled!

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Damn, this started really well and interesting. Well the first four or five episodes that is, but after that the story went way downhill. The writing is so terribly bad that it's hard to explain. Do not watch this crap!

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First season was great! From there it really went downwards quickly. Still worth watching season 1 though.

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Wasn't really Kevin Bacon's best work and the show did get silly in the last season. Still, I will miss the suspense and the interesting villains.

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This show is absolutely, completely horrible in every aspect. How big names such as Kevin Bacon was convinced to partake in this pile of shit is beyond me. I watched the 3 first episodes, and barely could sit through any of them. There is NOTHING about this show that makes it worthwhile, unless you are a masochist.

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I loved it . Sorry to see it end :(

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I loved it . Sorry to see it end :(

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Shout by Deleted

Started on a nice idea... but the end of the second season didn'make me want to see the 3d season

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The plot and scripts are bad but the Actors are fine and the story is intense. That's what kept me watching.

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Shout by sp1ti

"Classic Poe"... this is not.

A steady downward spiral of awful writing is all I can credit this show to. The more Followers followed the Followers the worse it all got. Unfortunately it also doesn't hold up as an unintentional comedy ¯_(ツ)_/¯.

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This show always has me clenching my jaw and hanging to the edge of my seat. The suspense is captivating and the acting is well-executed.

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How this shit got another season ..

Season 1 was the only season that was good

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Well, strong out of the gate, but...

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Shout by Deleted

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted


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Can someone please put this unbelievable show, with its unbelievable characters, out of its misery? It's a really dramatic show, but not because it's so good... it's so bad it makes me cringe. Season 2 even worse than 1. If you're considering to watch this... it's ok as a time killer, but not cause it's so exciting.

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Shout by Deleted

I had to correct my rating from a 7 to a 5. Season 1 started damn good but then drifted into this bad "thing". I stopped watching 3 episodes befor S1 ended. Now I gave it another shot and was boored shitless, nearly felt insulted by this crapy script. I can´t get in my head how someone with this great start, could fuck this one up sooo badly.

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I'm giving it up after episode 2X07.First the crazy "family",later that ridiculous cult...This show has become embarassing...

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Good start, but gets boring after a few episodes.

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One of the best soapiee

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Shout by Deleted

Cool show

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Everything is better with bacon.

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Shout by Deleted

when I saw the pilot I said OMG I have to see this but then every thing went down they could have made it a lot better

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Awesome. Kevin Bacon is back

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Shout by Deleted

Fantastic. Kevin Bacon plays great part.

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De lo mejor de esta temporada, te engancha desde el minuto, en ocasiones recuerda a la gran serie 24

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Shout by Deleted

Great Pilot. Then degraded rapidly. Horrible portrayal of government agencies and horribly written and predictable characters. Stuck with it all season hoping for a turn for the better. Never happened.

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Puh.. guess I won't be back for season 2..

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Shout by Nathan

Loved the start of this show, from there it declined a bit, hoping the writers realise and bring it back to the early standard in season 2. The supposed death of Joe was too rushed, hopefully he survived somehow!

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Starts really well, ends very very bad.

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We just have to remember that this is not a criminal investigation series, it's about a hunt. A hunt that have to last at least this entire season. So some episodes would have to be quite boring so we can get a fantastic season finale. Like was.

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Best. Show. Ever.

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

To slick to be true

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

Love it!

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Shout by Deleted

Twists and turns every week. Awesome!

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Shout by Deleted

I am sol addicted to this show I feel the suspense

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Love it! Already in my Top 3 ever!

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Shout by Deleted

going to be boring

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One more addiction to my life. ;)

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One more addiction to my life. ;)

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Shout by Deleted

pretty damn good show kinda remember me of law abiding cityzen

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Shout by Deleted

I draw the line at episode 7. im done with this... getting worst every week...

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It's good, but over-hyped IMO.

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excellent pilot and second episode! cant wait for the next ones! the soundtrack is fantastic!

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Shout by Alex

Jup, great soundtrack as well in episode two!

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excellent pilot. i hope there will be more good music in the next episodes!

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Everything is better with Bacon. I can't say that it's something I would normally watch, but so far it's been interesting.

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Shout by Deleted

Shannon died ): but great pilot. Let's wait the next episode.

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Shout by Deleted

Great pilot!

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Shout by Alex

Good pilot. Too bad I really can't stand Kevin Bacon... :/
But I'll watch it anyway... and I'll just hope that it doesn't turn into such a train-wreck as "The Killing".

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Great pilot!!! Can't wait for more but I think this show doesn't have the story for more than 1-2 seasons.

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I love it when there's a relationship between the killer and the cop! Here's to hoping it rocks!

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Shout by Deleted

Can't wait!!!

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