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The Expanse: Season 3

3x02 IFF

Now I am really hyped for the next episode!!

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Epic spaceship chase/battle! I love this show!

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You know it's an American show the minute they pull out religion and start that "with god on our side" stuff.

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I’m glad Prax decided on helping the Razorback. This ep was really good. Anna is an interesting addition to the show, she intrigues me a lot. The development of the Protomolecule and the Caliban along with the chosen kids is an interesting development. Chrisjen and Bobbie together are a great combination and now that they arrived on the ex Roci I’m excited to see where this will take us. Erinwright is as horrible as ever. Great season so far, even tho that might not say a lot just yet.

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They continue to set things in motion, religion surpasses me

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Good stuff, but that religious trash was really uncalled for.

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There were some more boring parts in the episode with some political stuff, but the plot of Bobbie and Avasarala escaping in the Razorback was very intense emotionally, I know from the novels that both women survive and that Roci eventually helps them, but it was really interesting to watch them deal with the tense situation and there is some emotional bond starting to grow between them, Bobbie seems to really care about Avasarala's welfare and they work great as a team. However, I was worried about Prax in the scene when he almost choked as I didn't remember from the book whether he survives or not (and anyway, it can be changed in the adaptation).

Anna was introduced, she's a bit different from what I imagined reading the books, but rather an interesting character, she obviously has strong beliefs and convictions and is appalled by the political intrigues at UN, but at the same time she needs money for her charity so in a way she has to compromise on her ideals and make a deal with Sorrento-Gillis.

The space battles are impressive and visually stunning as ever :)

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Some great action scenes of Mao's racing ship and the (formerly) Rocinante (a very nice and smart move to take out the U.N.N. ship).

Nice that Mei is still alive and Anna seems like an interesting new character (bringing some humanity to the politicians on Earth).

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Shout by Gloom8

Second Russian character. Cool.
I'm gonna pretend that she was born in the States to explain away misgendering in her last name.
But the choice of her last name is a bit funny. Safe for kids version of expression "вола водить" (vola vodit') basically means "to bullshit someone". Professional bullshitter as a last name for speechwriter is quite fitting)
I was wondering how did they legally justified going after Mao's relatives... turned out they simply didn't give a damn.

Please, can we not go with the angle of Mao suddenly feeling bad for ordering experiments on kids? How many kids did he killed on Eros? It won't humanize him, it would just turn him into indecisive executioner.

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Watching The Expanse lately gives me a similar feeling to watching The Heroes back then: how little pieces in the universe start to blend and match with each other. The reverend Sorreont-Gillis invited runs a clinic that has to make deals with drug dealers... must be the same clinic where the guy who gave Bobbie her way to beach works at. And now Bobbie/Avasarala meeting up with the Roci crew. This episode has a tense action as well, very nicely done.

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I can't believe they got in contact with the Roci, holy shit.
Hope the other two are still alive.

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What a ride! As far as action and suspense go, this was one of the best episodes of The Expanse and one of the finest episodes of any sci-fi show, ever!

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