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The Deuce: Season 3

3x08 Finish It

That old memories and new age mixing ending is fantastic

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Brilliant ending! Vincent walking down on memory lane. Awesome!

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Because the show can often be brutally unsentimental, per David Simon, that gorgeously elegiac ending to the tune of "The Sidewalks of New York" hits you full on like an emotional freight train, with Vincent remembering people from the old days as when he first met them, not as what they had actually become. And after last episode's end, seeing the hauntingly forlorn look on that person's face among his memory lane nearly broke me. Transcendent cap-off to a wonderful series.

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I’m going to miss this show.:slight_frown:

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A beautifully downbeat episode, and an absolutely stunning final sequence. This show will be missed.

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The ending really gave me a Six Feet Under feeling. Great show, really enjoyed it!

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Superb ending. Will miss the show

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Wow, just wow.
Creators take notice.
Now thats how you end an, already brilliant, series.
It reminds me of that other great show, Six feet under.

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This was the ending that the Wire never had a chance to tell. Television is littered with awful final seasons and series finales. I can think of a handful of good ones - Newhart and You're the Worst Come to mind. This one was amazing in every way. I love how it didn't show how people's stories worked out because that's how life works - once we lose contact with people they are essentially dead to us. I spent the last few episodes wondering how they were going to wrap it up. After all, in the creator's series nothing ever really is wrapped up as his shows are more about the characters and their struggles. This was perfect. It wasn't so much of a period as it was a semicolon.

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