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The Boys: Season 3

3x03 Barbary Coast


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The scene when Frenchie dropped the donut on the desk that Mother's Milk just cleaned got me so bad laughing :joy: :joy:

On the other side, I almost throw up in the octopus scene, OMG, that was horrible.

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For any non-french speakers out there: at the very beginning of the episode, when The Boys are all back together in the new office, at some point Frenchie calls Butcher "Mr. Charcutier".

The joke being that in French, a "butcher" is called a "charcutier".

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The problem with an invincible character like Homelander is, at some point you need to come up with a way to get rid of him. As much as I like the direction this season has taken so far I fear it might become tiresome.
The Boys are going to be looking for that weapon until the final episode when they can hopefully defeat Homelander. Until then we have to take his actions, because no one can stop him.

Still an awesome show to watch with great twists and turns. But it's nearing an expiration date.

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"There's Something Wrong With Homelander." — Starlight

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What a great episode, all actors have been top-notch this season.
And Homelander continues to be fuckin Diabolical, GOD DAMITT I HATE THIS MFer. Just goes to show the amazing acting by Antony Starr

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what a crazy episode. loving this season already.

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Weakest episode of the season yet imo. Just nowhere near as good as the first two. I really don't care for the flashbacks regarding Soldier Boy, especially when it seems so obviously predictable that he's not even dead. Really not a fan of A-Train or his storyline either. The rest is still good though.

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1 - That f**kin sex scene with Timothy and then eat it.
2 - Clinched fists
3 - Muslim Hijab Girl and Homelander's comments about it.
4 - arm breaking scene
5 - Green Puke
6 - The Kiss at the end.

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i can't wait for more Soldier boy!!

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Crimson Countess pls fuck me up and disintegrate me

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I laugh and am disgusted almost every episode. God damn I love this show. So happy to hear it was renewed for a 4th!

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This was effin disgusting!:face_vomiting:

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it's Timothy, he's begging for his life!

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this show apparently having a budget to straight up blow up at least one person per episode in gory detail is why Amazon posted its first loss in 8 years /s

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just who tf had the brilliant idea of not releasing the entire season at once?

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A bit of a slower episode. It lays the tension for the season. Seeing Deep eat the octopus was one of the more visceral things in the show.

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Shout by Co.

sorry im deeply disgusted this ep...

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Shout by Mab

I'd rather watch more heads explode than witness the cruel fate of Timothy ever again...

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I said it once and I’ll say it again: I can’t stand Butcher. I don’t find anything likable about him.

That Timothy scene was one of the toughest things I’ve ever had to watch. Absolutely grotesque. Homelander is atrocious.

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OMG, WTF indeed!

Homelander even managed to break Starlight... :o I'm definitely not happy about that and #homelight! That shit hit hard... :o

How the heck is The Deep dumb enough to re-join the 7 btw?!? :o That scene with Timothy was messed up. If he doesn't already regret his decision he will soon.

Homelander is completely out of control now (well, actually, he always was out of control and mad but now he reached the next level and the world isn't ready to see the final level). Let's see the world burn, I guess...

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TIMOTHY Rip little octo o.o xD

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:pound_symbol:JusticeForTimothy he didn't deserve that

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the deep is such a pussy

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Oh, poor Timothy... :-(

And Starlight's hidden fist-clench... damn.

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Still great, I'm missing Maeve this season so far, the octopus scene was a little too villainy-predictable, I expect more originality form Homie Boy

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Uncomfortable to watch and feels a bit slow at times but I’m still keen

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I cant believe #Homelight is real!

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