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The Boys: Season 2

2x05 We Gotta Go Now

"Don't be a pussy, lazer my fucking tits"
- Stormfront, 2020

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Whatever the fuck happened on that last scene, I would like to clean it up with a fucking bleach, please

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Fucking amazing. I really really love this show. Everything in this chapter was fucking great and im sure same will happen with the next 3. First i thought they were going to show maeve`s relation as all shows do, but i love how they talk about the topic in a critical way, showing most of the time media just wants to comercialize gay relations.

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I know that this show isn't meant to be realistic, but keeping up the suspension of disbelief is kind of hard when some of the stuff that happens on it is kind of well... dumb.

Things like Butcher finding another safehouse at his drug dealer aunt that nobody thought about checking out before, Black Noir spending the better part of an afternoon on a roof and then doing a cartoon cop out over "some pictures" or the fact that everyone still has money to pay for food and gas somehow while "living off the grid" in some random basement for the past few episodes

Especially when some of the other stuff (like the social commentary on showbusiness, american politics as well as the shitty state of modern humanity in general) are all pretty great.

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I truly thought (or better yet, hoped) that Black Noir was following Butcher because he wanted to join the boys or something... sadly he is just there as a loyal employee to Stan.
As much as I hate Stormfront, she is one of those characters that I love to hate. A great villain and actually very scary.
One last thing to add that was some super aggressive super sex... I mean... damn.

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God I wish Homie really lasered that fucking crowd. doesn't make sense quite yet for his story but the peek into what he could do if he was completely unleashed is hype as fuck

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  • MM watching Outlander!! :joy:
  • Holy Shit! I thought Homelander actually lasered that crowd!
  • Homelander and Stormfront: such a terrifying toxic couple :confounded:
  • The Deep’s ad was totally cringey and so well done :joy::joy:
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My god, I love this show.

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Finally, apart from that Black Noir bullshit fight scene, a decently written episode.

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Terror fucked that Homelander doll with so much vigor, I think Homelander felt that.
I'm convinced that Stormfront is Gretchen's long lost sister/grandmother.
Overall, DIABOLICAL ep.

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I was scared for Terror!!!! All episode I was worried something bad was going to happen to him!!!
It was cool seeing more of Black Noir but I hate that he’s just a vought killing machine, the first personal scene we saw from him was when he found out about compound V and it actually affected him, so why would he follow blindly mr edgar’s orders? I thought he was gonna try to talk with Butcher to see what was going on so sadly I feel his character is being wasted.
Also I hate that Maeve is such a coward! I’m pretty sure she’s strong enough to hold herself against Homelander especially with Annie’s help!
Also I’m starting to suspect that mr edgar has no clue about Stormfront’s true persona cause she’s super racist so I don’t think she would be working with him.

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That sex scene at the end... wow. I didn’t think I needed to see this until now.

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Ok, you have to hide out somewhere quietly, and you bring your dog. Good choice. :rolling_eyes:

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The British accents in this show are all over the ruddy shop.

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Dang! And I thought that X-Men had issues...

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That sex scene was so fucking great. Stormfront Mm

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Shout by MSochist

I wish I was Homelander in that last scene; I want Stormfront to give me a superpowered beatdown and then shove me between her legs!!!

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I don't know why it gives me that Stormfront wants a son from Homelander, now you imagine the child that can come out of that merger. Fear gives me

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"that's Terror's girlfriend"
"his fuck pig"

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A bit disappointed that Homelander didn't actually laser the crowd.
Loved that Terror's fuck doll didn't stop beeping.

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Storefront ha ha ha ha :joy::joy::joy:

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Things just get weirder with this show!:thinking:

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Shout by Douglas

[2x03] And here I thought Homelander would be in love...

Here we are, though I don't know if I'd call it love, they didn't even kill people together of at least bathed in their blood...

The pieces falling into place suggest it could become "everyone x team nazi", though I'm not sure we'll get to that point before the end of the season. Also, is Stormfront acting entirely according to Vought's will, someone else's (the internal coup) or her own? That would determine if Black Noir is on their side or what.

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Shout by Ro

This episode was great and it builds up nicely for things to come.

On another note I wish to say that Homelander and Stormfront end scene was in the Voights tower.
If they were my neighbors during their quality time I surely couldn’t sleep.

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