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The Boys

Season 1

This is one of THE BEST TV productions ever to grace the small screen. Top tier stuff. Every scene is important and every episode is better than the last. The dark humor, the gory scenery and the incredible picture quality are just toppings on an excellent character drama, while the world building is totally immersive. You will not be able to see other superhero productions and not think how "fake" they are, after this.

Top points:
- Best villain I've seen in a long long time
- It avoids cliches with ease
- Helluva production
- Incredible characters and spot-on dialogue
- The concept itself is a great idea creating huge potential
- Casting is awesome

Minor cons:
- Has great potential for action sequences but never takes off
- Some of the secondary characters although extremely likeable could be explored much more

This is by far the most fresh TV series I've watched in a long time. I really hope the second season comes quick and can live up to this.

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Fucking great, finally, some real superheroes with emotions and personality

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I loved the show and the ending had me LMAO!
The only issue I had with the season, was the fact that every male super was an asshole/dick-bag and every female super was a poor innocent victim.
The male supers did everything wrong/immoral and the female supers just had bad things happen to them.

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Good first season. Rating-wise, every episode was a seven out of ten for me except for the finale. The season was certainly enjoyable, and I truly mean that, but rating any of the episodes higher than seven would've been an overstatement. I may look back on it differently and in a different light.

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Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2021-04-03T09:57:35Z— updated 2021-04-15T08:54:24Z

A little mediocre and predictable but still a fun show to watch. It definitely came out at the right time if we consider the popularity of both superhero franchises and dark/gruesome TV shows. The premise of corrupt superheroes manipulated by an evil corporation as if they were a K-Pop group is more than intriguing, even though it could have used more nuance in its development. Starlight is too pure and innocent, while the Vought heroes are just walking (or flying) piles of shit with no ambiguity or relatable traits whatsoever, almost like a cartoon villain. There is hardly anyone in between at this point.

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Shout by Will
BlockedParent2020-05-13T07:21:29Z— updated 2021-07-24T03:56:06Z


-WARNING: Spoilers Below-

This season can be summarised in one word... And that word is WOW!!! Seriously, this show was incredible! I was hooked the second I put the very first episode on, I don't actually think there was a single bad episode in the entire show!

Looking back on this season it was filled with: Comedy, Action (of course), Suspense and a lot of genuinely emotional scenes. One scene that stood out was Deeps scene in episode 7, I won't go into much detail but if you've watched the season you'll know what I'm on about. Everything about that scene made me feel extremely uncomfortable and for the first time in a TV Show I had to look away and couldn't watch the entire scene.

This show is 100% a favourite already and I can not wait for Season 2, Its been a good while since a TV Show has gripped me the way The Boys did, I really hope they continue the brilliant work in the next season. Definitely recommending this show!


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i loved frenchie, Butcher was amazing, and Homelander is a whole f*cking MENACE.

most unhinged show i've watched in a minute, and there were a few incredibly funny and well delivered lines & moments

the ending's twist tho? holy fuck.

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Leave the ugly dark-green fliter and some boring hardman sterotype alone, It's a good commerical TV series, the play is well-knitted and terse, attractive. Generally it's anti-hero but sometimes it also follows the common narrative of personal heroism. Wonder if the name can be also called lol, after watching this anti-hero TV series, I was totally disenchanted with the halo of these stars, and wow, the end is so unexpected.

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literally this show is perfect and totally great, u will never get bored of any episode and u will really enjoying it, I don't how i didn't watch it all of this time but I'm glad!

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What can I say about this? Other then it’s almost a complete masterpiece. Because it almost is. So unique and aware, the comedy is so grim, and the characters, wonderful. 9/10 season

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It was fantastic but the final episode could have been better

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Really awesome. Very well done.

I thought episode 1 was the best, and when I saw who directed it, I reeeally wanted to see the rest. And I wasn't disappointed.

This season has just the right amount of humor, action, drama... very well mixed. Some jokes are really bad, some are pretty good; but no episode isn't fun almost every single second. So there's really nothing negative I can say about it.

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I remember it being pretty good except episodes 4 and 5 which were super woke.

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Shout by Deleted


The Boys Season 1 is a nice begin. this show has been on my watchlist for a long time, but I still never got around to it.
It's fun to see the dark side of superheroes. It's all a bit rougher. That makes the first season a success.

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Shout by kirst

the deep was the funniest character this season. sure, its fucked up what he did but so many things he was involved in was so funny (the dolphin, the lobster, the shave scene)

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Shout by ranggakat
BlockedParent2020-10-13T06:38:48Z— updated 2020-10-15T15:26:07Z

A dark and twisted look at the world of superheroes.

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Mildly enjoyable despite itself. The storytelling is a like a weird throwback blend of both post-Breaking Bad, gritty prestige TV and Kick-Ass/Wanted edginess. Each can be effective on its own but doesn’t mix so well, because the former’s taking itself (too) seriously lessens the fun of the latter, and the latter is too surface pleasure to support the former’s bloat and unhurried pace. (For comparison, HBO’s Watchmen has much heavier and complex material, but its storytelling is much, much snappier) Also very less interested in The Boys than The Supes, because the satire is legitimately fresh fun than the revenge storyline’s morose predictability. MVP: Elisabeth Shue and Anthony Starr, who relish digging deep into their satire of corporate-meets-superhero culture most uproariously, and whose fascinating, twisted chemistry of their scenes together truly transcend the whole show.

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I have to admit it took me two or three episodes to get into it but in the end I loved it. The choice to tone down the more absurd elements of the comicbook and make it more grounded, in a way, really worked for me. There's still a lot to laugh about but when the supes do their crazy shit it's much more effective (the airplane scene is really great). Overall it's a good adaptation and a smart TV show.

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Captivating and leverages the current overabundance of superhero related media to make an interesting take on genre. The characters are fun, the story is interesting, and everyone involved does a phenomenal job. My only issue so far is some loose plot-threads, a weak season ending episode, and a traditional seasonal cliffhanger to hook you for season two.

Definitely not a perfect show, but really damn good and definitely worth the buzz its receiving in some regard.

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