I didn't like the race issue that they pushed down our throat in the scene of Dembe and his daughter.
The phrase "you moved from working to one white man, to working with white man with badges" is quite racist and if ot was said with any other race instead of whites it would get a congressional hearing.
I really thought that scene was too much...

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Dembe's daughter seems quite the racist, but at the same time she also wants law enforcement to become all white.
What a joke she is indeed.

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i think it's funny most people upset with the "political agenda" did not even understand that the show just used social commentary to say in the end being a cop is ok.
so if there is a political agenda in blacklist, that is supporting the badges and frame social justice as extremist (the daughter at the end "understands" she was wrong).
which of course is just bullshit, but to everyone his own.

oh well i guess we can all agree that dialogue scene between dembe and his daughter was cringeworthy.

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This show should've ended seasons ago. If not for James Spader I would have stopped watching too and this episode? WOW at the political bullshit the writers are trying to push down our collective throats.

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Absolute trash. This show has gone down the pan. Political agenda.. switch off.

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I always ask myself how come us viewers grow attached and have compassion towards criminals and killers on tv shows... is it because we focus on the good side in them? is it that we're part psychopaths? is it because they help bring down ruthless gangs and evil masterminds? is it because the writers masterfully manipulate our emotions?

I don't know!

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Shout by JasperKazai

LMAO, we cracked up at the scene of Dembe reading to his granddaughter. She looked like she was 23!! This show does not know how to cast children. Either that, or the writers severely overestimate the age of children that would want to be read stories like that. Even Agnes is a bit too old to be as excited about it as she is, to be honest.

Fisher Stevens coming in and representing the audience. "It was Van Dyke, case closed." YES! Enough of this Liz bullshit. But now there's been more revelations that show we are very much not done with it... yay.

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