The chapter closes finally and while more astounding appearing and disappearing chinanigans Red seems to masterfully perform like David Copperfield, it's good to realise we can look forward to what is promising to be quite an exciting season 10.

We say farewell to a couple regulars, one of which I'm not that sad about however new blood (in more ways than one), is going to be interesting and an extra freshening at the same time.

I'm glad we're getting a new season. The cast has been quite good this season overall. The ones that deserve kudos though are the writers this season. I don't know if there was new blood in this team or the rise to the challenge of doing better, but I have a sense it's because this whole chapter is resolved and new, fresh, plots and characters will be introduced for S10 has given the writers new vigor on the run up to this season finale.

Here's to the new chapter!

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Well, fancy that. He actually did it. Well done Raymond. I think he's going to be in trouble next season though. I'm surprised he never foresaw Marvin talking to other prisoners. So, Aram is leaving. Nice he does not need to work. I miss Liz now. Who's the Daddy? Those 'speeches' at the end made it seem like this was the final, final season.

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Pretty lame ending to the season.

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Some episodes ago I thought to myself "They wouldn't make Alina's headaches about a pregnancy, would they? There's no way they'd do something that lame." Yeeeep. I truly do not understand why this show is still on. The writing is cringe and the plots are dull. I love James Spader but even he is not enough to make this show bearable anymore.

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It's a good end to this chapter. Where multiple other shows ended on cliffhangers, I'm thankful The Blacklist didn't this season...phew.

Season 10's plot seems obvious now, and it sure will be a very interesting one.

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Have to be honest, it was bit underwhelming.

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This is a brilliant season finale. I loved every second of it and it left me wanting for more. Now we'll have to wait to see the coming war in season 10 between Raymond and Wujing.

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I hoped this was the last season, i guess not ffs….

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I don't understand why time and time again, the taskforce doesn't trust Red and believes that they can arrest the highest level criminals and expect them to stay in jail, or even make it to jail to begin with. let alone Red's own lawyer? smh .

Fantastic work on Red's part bringing the pieces back together in his favor. But the ending leading towards a future opponent... it's about time for this series to end. I don't care for yet another "war" on Reddington.

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Wow that end telling stories about Liz was the most cringe I think I’ve ever seen EVER!!and if we have to listen to arams whiny ass anymore,totally dragging out this once good series!!

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Was the role of Agnes recast?

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Lackluster ending to the actual story, merely a setup for a new villain and the removal of two cast members.

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