Oh come on! Not another filler episode!

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Mostly just a pointless filler episode.

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I for one like these kind of trippy, one-off episode. I enjoyed this more than some of the recent case-of-the-week episodes. Also, it was nice seeing THAT character back again.

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I like the message this episode teaches about imposter syndrome, survivor's guilt, and negativity bias, where

  • Just because you think other people can do something better doesn't mean you can't do it well, because there are also people far worse than you who are also doing it successfully too

  • Just because you survived doesn't make you responsible for the tragedy, because you can only control what you can control, which is yourself and what you do next

  • Just because you failed in the past doesn't mean you'll fail in the future, because you're always learning and improving, and every situation is different

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From the beginning of the acid trip I know it was Aram in the bear mask.

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Shout by zarischka

Didn’t like this episode up until Amir Arison got to show off his acting skills beyond the way we are used to seeing him, I truly enjoy his role but it was lovely to see him do more than “just Aram”. Also LOVELY to see Samar again, I have missed her terribly!!
I am happy they let us see the vulnerabilities beneath the surface and were brave enough to tackle a few difficulties.
Definitely a filler episode BUT one I came to enjoy.

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Shout by itachi
BlockedParent2023-07-13T14:01:48Z— updated 2023-08-04T12:07:29Z

Aww seeing Samar was amazing. Please give us that character back.

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What an interesting way to make a none fantasy/sci-fi have a loop episode. For what it’s worth I enjoyed the episode.

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Wish I gave up on this years ago. Might as well finish it now. Worst episode I’ve seen

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Wish I gave up on this years ago. Might as well finish it now. Worst episode I’ve seen

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Shout by JasperKazai

Nothing says "this is going to be a waste of time" like a time loop episode. Bonus points for being an imagined time loop during an acid trip, so it wasn't even actually happening.

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Worst episode in all 9 seasons. I learned absolutely nothing in this episode for the plot and if this was supposed to have some sort of character development, I failed to see or care bout it.

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I have seen some bad episodes from this show, but this one was the worst.

I wonder if it is time to cancel the show...

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Unnecessary episode, at least the acid trip part, very predictable…

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