That was good and quite amusing. What is Megan doing now anyway? I did not bother doing a web search. The producers could have tried harder to make Liz more real in this episode. I prefer the Cyranoid woman over the real Liz. I don't mind if we never see Liz again.
Quetzalcoatl. Do you know what I'm talking about?

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Running out of ideas. Poor.

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It was good episode. Though I have to admit I'm getting of the entertainment industry to afraid to ever portray China as the country trying to steel U.S. secrets. It's always Russia. Rant done... :-)

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Shout by JasperKazai
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-12-21T00:51:08Z— updated 2024-05-01T05:59:05Z

Oh, hey, look at that - the plot returns its focus to Liz, and it immediately starts sucking again. When I thought it couldn't get any worse, it surpasses my expectations. This was so incredibly stupid. Why the hell wouldn't they have changed the codes that black out the cameras?! Also, why would that panel be left accessible to a prisoner anyways?

And then there's Harold, yet again with the "Liz is so amazing, she's been through so much, if you knew her story you'd understand" bullshit. Nah, fuck off with that. Liz has long since crossed the line. Stop making excuses. Literally no one would put up with her shit at this point - it's ridiculous that they keep being fucked over by her and they just accept it. Except maybe Ressler, because he did at least sleep with her.

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Can Elizabeth please STOP messing with Aram!!
Really enjoyed this episode. Like how they keep the story centered around Keen without actually showing her. I got to admit that in this feud I am rooting more and more for Red. Amazing right, that in the midst of all this most of us are rooting for the mastermind criminal.

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Time to give up on this trash

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Agent Keene has been brainwashed

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I mean come on. How many times are they gonna let Liz dupe them and use them. For some reason they keep believing in her. Let's be honest, there is nothing so riveting about her as an agent that makes her stand out from her fellow agents. She done lost her fucking mind.

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This is about as annoying as when their was a fake Sarah Michelle Gellar dancing on Angel at a club lol. Or when they recast Lex on Smallville.

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