I'm looking forward to the spin-off "Blacklist: Convoy". Each episode will feature another failed prisoner transport. Oh. we got that already... They think it will never get old, but it does. Actually it's annoying AF!!

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I loved what Liz said about double standards. The writers are even spelling it out for the Elizabeth haters.

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This thing why Red protects her is so desperatley is becommong beyond anoying at this point. Unfortunatley when why is answered itnwill be a BIG disapointment for all the wiewers worldwide!
So please kill this series.
Or kil Liz then you can squeze another watchable season out of this ..........

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Love how when Liz was whining to Ressler at the beginning of the episode, she's all like "things won't be the same! I'll never be an agent again!" WHOSE FAULT DO YOU THINK THAT IS?! It's COMPLETELY Liz's fault! No one forced her to side with her mom or then go on a criminal revenge spree against Reddington. As for the double standard comment - well, Liz, Reddington has way more to offer than you ever will. Simple as. All you've done is fuck things up for a bunch of people, resulting in some of them getting killed, and then blame it on Reddington.

Are kids not taught stranger danger anymore? Who the hell would approach some dude giving out money like that? lol

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What a funny episode that was.
Liz blaming Red for all the dead people over the years.

So basically the Story of Liz is:

-Red has a secret that he won’t tell.
-Liz desperately wants to know the secret.
-Red tells her that it’s a secret for a reason because if certain people would find out what it is a lot of people would get killed.
-Liz doesn’t give a fuck and try’s everything she can to find out the secret.

Then A LOT OF PEOPLE GET KILLED because she couldn’t let it go.

-Liz is blaming Red for all the people that got killed.

That would be tolerable if it would be the story of one or two episodes. But this shit is hunting us for years now. It is getting old.

Fortunately Red always makes my day.
That „check mate“ line was just pure gold.

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Anyone noticed Keen's handcuffs just disappeared after the car crash?

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Although this episode was a bit sloppy.. it still manages to score a solid 8 for me.

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completely terrible.. transfer criminals, without bullet proof cars, or vests, handcuffs simple disappear, trained killers that misses a lot, means a lot of shots. Just a few, a little, attention to details will be very good.

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Come off the double standard bs. The reason why everything Liz does isn't ok is because they expect more from her since she is supposed to be such a good person and what made her so great working next to Reddington. Even she made justifications throughout each season why Reds behavior was ok and now she has a problem with it when she goes rogue. We expect Red to do bad things because he is a bad person and doesn't hide that. Liz also tries to blame Red for all the death she causes to know a truth I hope gets her killed because the truth is more important to her than actually being with her child. She even uses the task forces love and respect for her against them. Liz isn't the good guy either and were seeing her true colors. She is no better than Red, he just smarter by getting immunity.

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best episode in a long time.

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Did Liz just blame Red for the grandfather’s death too ? lol.

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