Elodie inviting Aram to go to the same wedding The Stranger's meet was going to take place and using his fake name tags, is definitely not a coincidence. A random crossed my mind because of that. Could she be Katarina's daughter? I honestly have no idea why I thought of that, but I guess there's a chance she could be.

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“This is gonna be a gas.” :joy: Good one liner by Restler.

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So :
1. Keen thinks its a good idea to tell Red where is Norman Devane.
2. Why is Ressler driving someone like a fugitive to a hospital ?
3. Red catches the car in no time..

Sometimes it's just too much :D

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I wondered if things would still be interesting after we've learned Red's identity but it truly still is. There are so many questions still and this feud between Katarina and Red is so interesting. As always, I love how the blacklisters are connected to the bigger picture and this episode left me with even more questions.
Also.. 'this is gonna be a gas'... plus the way Liz and Ressler tried to give Aram advice on his dating life... it's the lighter moments like these that make the show even better.

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All I could think of while Liz and Ressler were trying to “help” Aram with his personal life again was Samar’s perfect line from season 5: “You’ve got to stop asking for relationship advice from people who have only had terrible relationships!” :joy::ok_hand:

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"Enemies? We're from Wisconsin."
TIL you're unable to be disliked if you're from Wisconsin.

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