The idea was good, but this is verry poor made. When is it made 1985 with a commedore 64? :disappointed_relieved:

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It was unique. I liked the transitions between the live-action parts and the animation parts. But, of course, there was a downside. It didn't necessarily flow that well, which made what was going on a little disorienting. Now, it wasn't bad, and props to those who did all of the work on this in such a short time. Of course, it could've been animated a whole lot better, even with the limited time to complete it. And to those who got all enraged at it, just stop. As I said, it was unique, and that's what matters. As for the ending, it was very intriguing. I hope it leads to a whole new atmosphere in the next season instead of being underwhelming. It was a long time coming, Elizabeth's character evolving into something like this. Even in the third season, she wasn't like this. I'm looking forward to the next season with this development, but I know so many people are going to inadvertently force all of their veins to pop with so much anger at her character and this ending. It is what it is, I guess.

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The worst episode they've made. The animation was terrible. The faces looked like a tragically bad deep fake attempt. The audio quality was a big yikes. The shadows were disastrous. The music seemed off for the first time ever. What a poor attempt. They should have waited to finish this episode in real life or actually properly animated it so it didn't look like a shitshow. A disappointing end to the season and I struggled to actually watch all of this.

Also, fuck Elizabeth Keen, I hope someone kills that backstabbing bitch. She needs to go, absolute scum of the Earth.

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The animation is a bit... rough. I feel that if given more (I mean more) time, they would be able to polish it more - they got the eyes pretty good, the others not that great lol

Story-wise, I've always been annoyed with Keen's gullibility. She says that she trusts Reddington but the moment someone says something about his past/secrets, she double-crosses him (this has been the plot pretty much every season smh).
Anyway, genuinely curious what will happen next season and what will happen to Dom (RIP Brian Dennehy).

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Liz being totally committed to her mother now “eye roll.”

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Overall, the animation was a bit stiff, but perhaps expected as such given the incredible short notice with which the project to produce it must have been thrown together. The inventive transitions helped. In the end, I appreciate the dedication that brought it to us rather than simply letting the season effectively dangle after ep. 18.

I wonder how much of Elizabeth's IMO-far-too-easy slide completely over to the Mom Side (my only real problem with the plot development here) was rushed by the need to complete it with this one episode as opposed to across the originally planned four episodes that this one effectively replaced.

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RIP Brian, you will be missed.

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the animation was a creative touch however I personally would've preferred it if they had just put the show on hold until next year or some time where they could actually film. now, the storyline itself was just something else... I have been a fan of red and liz and even defended liz on multiple occasions but this just does it for me. how does she figure out a new way every season to back stab reddington by clinging onto someone who is supposedly from her past? i don't blame her for not trusting reddington or even not being on his side but the fact that she goes out of her way to get back at red with someone she's just met EVERY season is so tiring.

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Considering the time frame and Covid-19, this was a superb episode. Congrats to all involved and well done for finishing off the series. That took a lot of work and effort. Thanks.

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I was looking forward to this episode when I've read news online that part of it was going to be animated. It was a creative nice touch, showed the dedication of the cast and crew and highlighted great awareness. The episode managed to still be great and thrilling despite the circumstances. The effort is very much appreciated.

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I think this was the most horrible episode of this series. Everything got mixed up with the back & forth between Red, Katarina, et Liz. And did she break the fourth wall or am I going nuts? This episode really felt like a game with a really bad storytelling. Hope they're not gonna do more like this. I'd rather wait months for a normal episode than watch this type of episode.

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I''m glad they finished the season despite not being able to film and although I'm not fully convinced going for the animated route was the best way I'm pleased they chose to do something. The animation, despite being rough and playstation 1 era, felt a bit disjointed... Having internal markings you wouldn't have had if they filmed it either. Having one of the castmembers say that these were Liz' imagination didn't help either.

As for the ending: I'M TEAM REDDINGTON

PS Bit sad James Spader didn't decide or was able to make a videoscreen appearance. Boone would ave been nice too... Guess they're too busy!!

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Bad idea, bad story, is is worse to me than the finally of HIMYM and that bar is really high.

I appreciate that they wanted to finish the season for the fans with just one episode left but I would prefer a proper story and a proper execution over a timely finish.

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The Blacklist: The Telltale Series

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Shout by Miguel A. Reina
BlockedParent2020-05-17T20:04:36Z— updated 2020-05-19T22:48:24Z

Interesting way to solve the end of the season. The animation is not the best possible, perhaps due to time constraints. But at least we have an original conclusion. The climax of this last episode is disappointing. Elizabeth's acceptance of her dark side is predictable. In the end, it was a season in which no major conflicts are resolved.

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an early season finale because of the Corana.
Very creative solution.
liked the comments from the actors.

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After all that Redington did to save her and not let her die, she's now against him... The Blacklist kinda becomes a telenovela that does not make too much sense and focuses only on emotions.

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Wow, look how many spoiled little bitches there are in here! Now I'm NOT saying everyone, there are a lot that aren't. Would they have rather the season get left at episode 18? No, then they would bitch for at least an ending. So the team busts their asses to not only get an episode out but to also try to finish the season AND instead of making it take a long time try and get something for us on time. So for the ones bitching, go get yourself a tissue and pull yourself together and appreciate how hard they worked for all their fans and viewers.

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In the circumstances, this was brilliantly executed by the whole team. The comic book-style graphics really worked insofar as to have tried to approach the job with a Pixar-style level of animation would most likely have been impossible in the time and would not have suited the switches between live and cartoon. I heartily congratulate all concerned on a fine finale; one that will live in the memory for its imaginative approach and for delivering an outcome to this season. Thank you!

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Great way to put together and complete the episode. It’s too bad the season ended 3 shows sooner, but due to the circumstances NBC did a nice job.

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Shout by King David
BlockedParent2020-05-16T17:23:20Z— updated 2020-05-19T06:55:24Z

I don’t know how I feel about it.

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Well that was a surprise! It reminded me of a Fringe episode. Great work. Sad that the season is cut short but the media has everyone panicked and fearful over a virus that is only dangerous to 3-5% of the population. But that'll come out in time.

Looking forward to season 8.

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Really, the episode was, to say the very the least, pathetic, if we take away the horrible execution and the mediocre animations of 1980 (there are 3D animators I know in 3D animators at home! who do 100 times better work as amateurs with much much less than 10% of the budget), there is no excuse for the excuse the pandemic and so the rest, were they in such a hurry? they would have waited and full stop

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wtf the crew is cute, no wonder it last for so long

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Despite the poorer watching experience due to the
- Nintendo 64 animations
- 2010 video-game voice acting for those animations
- Lack of depth/intensity/immersion for the animated segments (especially during the critical scenes of Ray and Liz revealing that they know each other's huge secrets, and Katarina saving Red)

The good things are that they
- Actually managed to come together and finish the season during the worst restrictions and lockdowns of COVID-19
- Gave fans an actual ending to the season
- Included their personal staff and actor community scenes to show they're people too, and that they overcame their life challenges to deliver something for the fans of the show

Overall, even though this was technically not the best watching experience compared to other episodes, I appreciate that even through all the challenges the actors, production staff, and everyone on the team were facing during COVID-19, they still dedicated themselves to completing the episode and the season for the fans

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Creative way to fix the corona created gap between takes but the animation was cringeworthy and it felt like scenes where still missing like when Aram all of the sudden calls Red, I feel like they skipped the part where the two characters talked this over, same when Harold all of the sudden knows that Katarina is alive and he tells Red she is off limits.
Still, I do think this was a good way to 'finish' the season. the last scene was bit much though. Liz on that rooftop... is she Batman now?

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I personally loved the animations. It brought me back to the game ‘XIII’ which I absolutely loved as a kid. I can agree that the transitions where a bit weird from time to time. Maybe it was better to do the whole episode animated, apart from the explanation by the cast at the beginning on the why of it, I don’t know. But it was nicely done anyways, considering the circumstances. It was nice of them that they wanted to finish the season as planned and not just stop at ep18.

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The animation was bad, but I didn't expect much better, and it was novel to see. No, my problem is with the plot. Liz is such an unlikable character, and this whole Katarina arc is plain terrible. I'm not exactly sure when the show should've ended, but it should've ended before now. Perhaps after the Mr. Kaplan arc.

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"Happy as a seagul with a French fry"

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If fbi had a helicopter this show would be a mini series. All of the events are taking so long because they're driving everywhere and just missing it!

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Great job on the last episode. I hope they can actually film this episode without the comic book transitions some time in the future.
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Telltale Games' The Blacklist. Loved it.

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