F*ck you, Liz.

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Oh Liz what have you done. I hope he gets out soon. I need more Reddington action

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Is anyone else getting fed up with Elizabeth & her damn father quest? Be done with it & move on with something new. IMO, if that doesn't happen, Spader won't be able to carry it anymore & ratings will tank.

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She should have told Red she knew his secret.

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Well, I don't like this new turn of events at all!!!!

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Did they forget that they did a dna test that proved he is her father?

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Liz should use this opportunity to be the temporary Concierge of Crime and do whatever Raymond has been doing since he probably won't be able to do it from prison. The people Raymond work with won't like the fact that he's in prison and will most likely take advantage of that and attempt to cripple his criminal empire. Liz should be Raymond Reddington from the shadows to keep his empire and associates in check.

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I cannot believe she did that. I think her sister is manipulating Liz slightly.

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I'm willing to bet that Liz is being played and Red is indeed her biological father. I wish Liz was killed off and the show would focus more on Red.

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Shout by Simon

I don't like the character of the sister; she doesn't hold my attention. I like her even less because she's dobbed Red into the police. I'm not saying of course I'm a supporter of criminals but this is a show and we all love Red, yes?

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