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The Blacklist

Season 6

This is a time-travel show even though it's not billed as such. They go from D.C. to Seattle and back within about 3 hours, then drive up to Connecticut the same day... and back to D.C.
Europe? No problem... there and back while stopping off to kill or arrest someone - all within 4 or 5 hours.
One of them heads off to Portland while the other hits Pennsylvania... back in time to connect up before the end of the day.

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I am afraid that the quality is declining :
- predictive writing/stories (the fact the most episode names coincides with the bad guys they will catch at the end doesn't really help)
- Megan Boone (Liz) is just acting ...bad ; her character is kinda instable/wierd but her acting is really bad sometimes
- Harold like always is kinda useless no mater what they make him do/act
- why did they finish episode 23 so fast ? : Diaz is caught in the span of 2 minutes, come on....
- other useless stories : Dembe needing to find himself , Liz's half sister wanting to help find who is really Red, etc

but at least James Spader still rocks and plays a perfect Red :)

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Despite King David's comment (and I think against their better judgement) this show has been renewed for a 7th season.

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Decent season. I believe it was one of the worst ones out of all the seasons but that doesn't make it bad. Still, I liked and enjoyed the previous season a lot more.

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I like that series but my god, reviving Liz from the dead in the previous seasons was the worst idea the show ever had, her acting is sooo cringy, and the writing of her character is terribly boring, not to mention completely useless. I literally skip all the scenes with her and her chit chat for my mental health.
Also what's up with the lens flare?

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after watching all previous seasons...
i knew what to expect or... not so much
I was expecting an end on this show, just because we all know what it is by now: Each episode we have a person to be catched that help raymond in something

After watching this season, we didnt get a final ending, we just get a zero answer on story, so we should expect to see one more season. Does this means i'm going to watch? I dont know... im tired of this pace already
It is just too much

It's sad that if they continue more seasons people will get bored
I hope and tried to not make any spoilers but you should not expect too much from this season

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I really enjoyed this season. I love the twist they brought last season that Red is an imposter and this season continued that nicely. Also the episode centered around Katarina, yes yes yes!
Everyone brought their A Game again.

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I'll let y'all in on a little secret - NBC will be canceling the series after all the episodes air.

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