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The Blacklist: Season 4

4x16 Dembe Zuma

Great episode actually. I'm so glad I won't be seeing more of that old man who saved Mr Kaplan! He is so annoying to be honest. Thinking he was gonna kill Raymond!? The dude didn't even know what he was getting himself into lmao.

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What a great episode indeed. Finally the level picked up again.

Only doubtful whether Dembes decision to just punch the guy and leave him with his weapon was something that a man with his kind of survival training would do. I’d think it’s the first thing he would have learned - disarm someone who means to hurt you. Not leave them with it. That seems... utterly careless and out of character. Like seriously out of character. I’m a little let down by this, frankly.

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Redd just keeps unfolding new ways to mess up his own world, doesn't he?
(Knew that was coming back to him in some form; looks like it ain't gonna be a small one.)

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That did it for me. Aram was constantly the most annoying character. Like... Always and constantly. Especially with the Israeli agent (forgot her name). This episode she was apparently ordered to go all in on exaggerating jealousy. Horrible. Nothing made sense after that.

And I love Spade but damn... I was imagening him saying "who wrote this? This is ridiculous". I agree with my imaginary Spade. We both have up.

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Return after the break with a double chapter, here Dembe

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Why do Liz looks to be off in the last episodes? We barely see her doing anything relevant... almost look like she's now a secondary character.
I think this could be the last season, i didnt check if they are going to make more but the show is slowing going to another direction, and i m not sure yet if its good or not.
time to go watch the next episode folks :P

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Shout by Deleted

Why did Liz seem like she was sleeping throughout this episode?

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one of the best episodes they have ever written!!

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