Well, that was a unique way of putting an exclamation mark on the end, with no out.

I'm going to truly miss this show... it was an amazing run and James Spader was so good in this. All the cast was good in this. There were some amazing moments, the episode farewelling 'Glenn' was the most beautiful way to send off an actor that played a character on this show.

I really felt the show got it's legs when the whole 'Elizabeth Keen' character story was finally done. It should have been 'done' a couple seasons earlier.

The big question is, what am I going to watch now?

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I appreciate the sentiment they were trying to convey at the end but...

I think this is one of those cases where NOT showing it would have been all the more poignant. Have Reddington face off with the bull and cut to black. And end it there. Maybe - VERY MAYBE - add a small eulogy at the end with the team talking about him or switch it with Zuma's excellent scene in the bed. Don't show us his "mangled" and contorted body and have Ressler call Cooper to mention "he got him". That's just wrong. Disrespectful to the characters and the 10 years.

Still not the worst ending of a series though.

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bro thats the laziest writing i have ever seen, I knew red was dying and probably saw it coming from s9 but NotLikeThis, there's 10ways at least to do this better, also wasted too much time in FBI internal drama for the 2hours, it should of all be about red, really need an extra tweet/insta or even voicemail to explain all remaining questions

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Disappointed ending after 10 series doesn’t cover it.

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Odd ending. Probably would have made more sense if Red simply sat down under a tree and succumbed to his illness.

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Interesting that it is Don vs. Red in the end, with Don not getting what he may have secretly wished for all the time. Sad that it is over now, however, it needed to end at one point.

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This was SO CLOSE to a well executed ending. They should have left it at the Reddington/bull staredown, "My Way" playing in the background, and the bull just starting to charge. If they wanted to be cheeky, the final scene could have been just the bull strolling away with a fedora stuck on his horn. That would have been enough, especially with that beautiful pseudo-eulogy by Dembe. And I would have been ok with just a tiny sliver of wondering that there was a chance that Red disappeared one last time...

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That was a bullshit ending. Why couldn't he have just died from being unwell, sat down on a bench looking at the nice mountain scenary? A peaceful death

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Ended the show without saying who he really was . I loved the series but to no give us the real story behind him is an insult.

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what a load of bull

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Really, was this all that they could come up with after this build up? Probably the only finale where it wasn't a tear-jerker at all.

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Just woke up out of my sleep to ask this…

Are we supposed to believe that after these last episodes of Red getting rid of his possessions and getting his affairs in order making sure his employees were retired, and it was all to end like this?? They built up anticipation of him retiring off the face of the planet to live a life of solitude somewhere out of the game all for him to be gored??? He could have been gored while still a crime lord if that was the case. This was anticlimactic and a let down

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Good end or Bad end?

Sad end for sure. I’ll prefer another for sure.

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I’m truly heartbroken despite the weird ending. The blacklist finally came in to its own after that damn Liz Keen rubbish and now it’s goodbye.
I kind of wished the Dembe and Red went off into the sunset together but it was clearly not to be. Quite why they did what they did is beyond me.
Such a shame.
Good night Red… it’s been a blast! :heart:

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"Angela, how far is it to the Miura bull ranch from here?"
Red's final plan.

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So, it was obvious Red is dying since he started giving away stuff and making people happy...but man, the end should've been more poetic! I would have liked it if it was under a tree looking at a favorite view. Is this supposed to be ironic or funny somehow? I don't get it.

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I'm sorry people you had to witnesses that end. that what i should say if I'm the writer .

anyway good series with some lazy writing in some seasons and lost of ideas . but what can i say we love Raymond ...

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One of the greatest characters in recent TV history deserved a better ending than this. But, it wasn't the worst ending, I guess. Raymond still went out on his own terms, in my opinion.

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It’s wasn’t the proper end for this great series !!!

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What a shabby, lazy ending. I wonder if the writers strike had already started when they came up with that? Disappointed given it could have been so much better as a finale.

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That’s the ending?!? Did we even get clarification on who Red was to Keen or were we still supposed to assume her mother?? I forget where we stand on that.

I’m okay with his death but it could have been saving Dembe or not shown at all, left to the imagination but TV has really been punishing the “bad” guys lately. Like they all die after whatever character development we’ve journeyed through the years. Granted Red’s wasn’t that net positive but still. And then Dembe doesn’t even get to keep his legit job. It should not have been written that he called Red at all. It was unfair to ask the task force to even search for him and unfair to even threaten them for doing the job the government assigned them to for Tom and Harold.

This is about as bad as Scandal’s finale.

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Dembe needed to grow a pair and not overact, the finale shouldn’t of been Dembe heavy.

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Shout by JasperKazai

Meh. I don't even really care about the fact that Red died; that was bound to happen, with how much they've been setting up for it by having Red dismantle his empire and give away so many things. My main issue is that this episode was just kind of boring. Way too much time spent on Nixon, a fairly new character we barely know anything about, only for it to lead nowhere - he just disappears from the rest of the episode. Dembe has to spend the entirety of the episode, and even give an impassioned soliloquy, from a bed. Siya also kind of vanishes. Herbie storms out and who gives a fuck. Just a real lackluster way to end a series. But I guess it's fitting for how these last few seasons have been, quality-wise.

I also think showing Red's trampled corpse was supremely unnecessary. Would've been better to just have Ressler find the hat. We didn't need to see that.

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You guys completely missed the point of the ending.

It was Redington going out on his own terms. It was him “raging” as the poem referenced. He knew he was dying because of the blood transfusion and he didn’t have long to live. He asked Angela how long to get to the Bull farm. She told him an hour and a half, so he spent the time walking and enjoying life, as the poem suggested. He left behind his gun and everything. The writers wanted us to think that he wanted to go to the bull farm to return the skull. No, he went there to go face-to-face with a Bull - like the world, famous Matador that died, which they referenced earlier in the episode. If he lived, he would continue to fight. If he died, he did it on his own terms, and not because of a disease. I really like the ending.

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I certainly didn't expect it to end like this... a real shame, and without the possibility of a possible return... I feel the need to write it because even though it was a series that at first I didn't want to see, it managed to captivate me, and the last seasons despite not being the same, I continued to engage and fall in love more with the main character.

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I thought it was a great ride! I'll leave the analysis to the critics.

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Glad this shit is over. Damnnn

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Fonzie jumped the shark and Red got wrecked by a bull! What a pathetic ending! This series deteriorated for at least it's last 3 seasons how shameful. And this is happening all over Hollywood, the writing is just atrocious and lazy it's like they're writing for special needs kids but the really slow ones! And added to that there were a lot of plot that went unexplained they were just forgotten.

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Goodbye and Farewell to one of the finest criminals in fictional TV history. Just like Dembe, I actually cried because some of the best acting and writing I’ve ever seen is now over. It has been an absolute blast and will never be forgotten. Rage against the harshness of life. Make the most of every day. Be kind and be useful. 10/10

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Dying by some medical condition that the writers decided to give Red in the last season would have been such a trite, cop-out ending. I guess this is more epic. Although it could become an infamous TV moment like "jumping the shark".

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Great ending to a great show. We watched every episode. Hope Spader does another show .

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End of a great series, tremendous acting by James Spader.

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