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The Blacklist: Season 10

10x19 Room 417

Like I don't get the direction this last season is going. I hope the climax is worth it because I can't stand that psychotic obsessed one dude that's can't stop looking into the taskforce.

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WOW. What timing! Listening in at that exact moment. Almost unbelievable, NO, absolutely unbelievable. What a cringe show pandering to most asleep at the wheel writers and brain-dead viewers. So happy this is almost over.

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This show better have an epic finale, or else it'll be all for nothing.

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Shout by JasperKazai

It was ok, the fax intelligence network was kind of cool. But then it went to shit when they stood around and explained in excruciatingly unnecessary detail every facet of what was going on, just in case we're that braindead and can't connect two dots together. It's also laughably stupid that they connected the wire tap right at the moment that Harold said the most incriminating things possible. Harold would never say that type of shit over a phone. God, this is so fucking dumb.

Why is Pritchard even bothering to help Hudson at all? Hudson has no power to force Pritchard to do anything. Saying it's going to help Ressler is obviously bullshit. They really couldn't come up with a reasonable plot for this?

Harold saying to Red that he was tired of the obfuscation and misdirection is him representing the audience and speaking directly to the show. All those mysteries between Red and Liz they kept stringing us along with all these seasons, and none of it is ever going to get a truly satisfactory answer.

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how to spy on a trained agent .. bring him an addict in his way ... mission impossible unlocked !.

the exact moment they said something bad is the exact moment I'm hacking your phone ...

ohh agent Zuma of the FBI his acting like he was never in the wrong .like he always did the right thing ..saying " omg can't you see this is RED Intelligence network ". bro you been a criminal your whole life and helping Red but now you acting like it's fine to go against him.
idk maybe its just me but i don't like how he act after becoming an FBI agent.

anyways we all can see it now RED is going to retire or die .

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This congressman I don’t understand why they made him seem like a good guy and then he interprets everything ridiculously. He threatens actual decent people and all kinds of not good guy stuff. So is he good or not? Also if the government approved the task force and the CI why the heck isn’t he okay with that answer?

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Holy fricken crap this has to be the end of the entire show coming up because this buildup is insane, and this last cliffhanger is more epic than any of the previous ones I've seen before

Jesus it's getting intense

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Finally, that boring side story with the recovering addicts leads to somewhere.
I like the plot with the senator going after the task force u. It adds stakes to the final episodes. It seems inspired by the beef between Republicans and the FBI.

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