I hope Agnes never finds out who Raymond is and what he's done.

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Shout by JasperKazai

Boy, there sure are a lot of flashbacks in this season. And they all have felt largely unnecessary. We learn more about Dembe's past, but to what end? What purpose does giving us this information serve, this late in the game? It's pointless fluff. This is all stuff that should've been shown seasons and seasons ago, when we didn't fully know the characters yet. Spending time on it now is just a waste of time.

Not to mention that the plot was simply lazy. Aissa is getting choked out by the doctor, and then it turns out Red somehow magicked his way in to save her and take the doctor away, just in the nick of time, all before Dembe and Ressler could get there. Stupid deus ex machina bullshit.

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Dembe is like give me pork but make it Halal please .LMAO
kills people in his past but now he is just a good man ..even FBI took him in .

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